Integrative Nutrition Blog

ALL POSTS TAGGED: Digestive Health

Woman drinking coconut water out of a whole coconut
September 2, 2021
Nine Best Coconut Water Benefits for Your Health

Both a sweet substitute for tap water and a hangover cure some swear by, coconut water has many uses and health benefits. We’ve gathered nine of them to help show just how versatile cocon...

Chicken, rice, avocado, purple cabbage and red bell pepper in a bowl on a dark background
June 23, 2021
What Is the AIP Diet?

Autoimmune diseases are on the rise, and more people are looking to adjust their diet in hopes of finding relief. The AIP diet can identify which foods are most likely to trigger inflamma...

May 10, 2021
The Fourteen Healthiest Vegetables

We all know we’re supposed to eat our vegetables, but do you ever wonder why? Besides making a colorful plate, vegetables are great sources of nutrients that support a healthy body.

April 6, 2021
Is Yogurt Good for You? Seven Yogurt Benefits

Diverse and versatile, yogurt can be blended into smoothies, mixed with vegetables as a side dish, or pureed into do-it-yourself facial masks. From a nutritional standpoint, yogurt actual...

April 1, 2021
Ten Benefits of Blueberries You Didn't Know

Blueberries are a superfood that contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals and can be incorporated into your diet in a multitude of ways! They can play a big role in preventing heart...

March 29, 2021
How to Get Rid of Bloating Fast: Ten Tips and Tricks

Bloating is something many people experience at some point during their lives. Massages, supplements, and exercises can help relieve bloating, and a few lifestyle changes can help prevent...

March 26, 2021
What Happens If You Don't Drink Enough Water: Seven Signs

It’s crucial we drink water to stay properly hydrated and keep our bodies functioning. So what happens when you don’t drink enough? Your body will give you signs before this happens, so d...

March 12, 2021
Is Oatmeal Good for You? Eight Reasons Why You Should Try It

Oatmeal has been a longtime contender for a solid breakfast option with good reason: It’s a customizable, one-ingredient, whole-grain food that provides a good amount of fiber. Here’s a l...

January 25, 2021
Does Detoxing Really Work?

Read how detox diets can supercharge your body's natural detox abilities.

September 13, 2020
Is Coffee Good for You? Five Health Benefits of Black Coffee

According to several comprehensive studies, coffee ...