Circle of Life Exercise

Feed Yourself with Primary Food

So, what do your results mean? The rounder and wider your circle is, the more balanced you feel in these areas that affect your well-being. Your Circle of Life highlights what feeds you in body, mind, and soul—all of the things found off your plate that nourish you just as much as food. This is an IIN core concept called primary food, which underpins our teachings and sets the foundation for our holistic approach to health.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program will teach you how to find balance in these areas and experience your own personal transformation. With the world’s leading holistic health education, you will be empowered to nourish, heal, and thrive to live a life you love—and teach others to do the same.

Ready to learn more? Speak with an IIN Admissions Health Coach (who is also a graduate of the program) about how IIN can support you to round out your Circle of Life.

Call (877) 780-5749 (United States) or
+1 (212) 257-6171 (International)