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5 Steps to ...
Published: June 8, 2024

5 Steps to Start Doing What You Love

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We’ve all heard the advice to “do what you love or love what you do,” but what does this really mean? Should you quit your corporate job to pursue your passion, or try to invest your creative energy into your existing job and take fewer risks? 

Rather than the inspiring call to action this phrase is intended to be, sometimes it has the opposite effect of leaving us more confused and pressured about the right course of action.

At Integrative Nutrition, we believe it’s all about balance.

There’s a sweet spot that lies somewhere in between following your heart and being practical about the choices you make. This is why we often recommend to our students in the Health Coach Training Program that they begin seeing clients on the side. This allows them to “test the waters” and explore their calling without causing a major disruption to their daily life. 

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be more equipped to make the best decisions for you, and you’ll feel much more confident after taking the time to consider all the options.

Here are 5 ways to start doing what you love:

1. Work on your passion on the side.
If you’re yearning to learn or try something new, then just start! Whatever it is, you can likely do it part-time in your free time. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, just get the ball rolling for now.   

2. Don’t make any rash decisions.
The dramatic “I quit!” might be tempting in a moment of frustration at a job you loathe, but it’s much wiser to pace yourself. Likewise, don’t spend all your savings booking a trip to India on the fly because you just want to do yoga for a month. Sleep on it, take it slow, and if you still feel like it’s the right move, then go for it.

3. Seek out good advice.
Whether you’re looking to advance in a current career, or change careers entirely, reach out to someone who’s a few steps ahead of you and they might offer some helpful insights. If you see success and role models in the people you’re looking up to, chances are you’re on the right path.

4. Do your best with what you’ve got.
Timing is everything, so don’t try to force it. If circumstances are such that you can’t quite follow your heart just yet, that’s ok. Do what you can to improve your situation and start planning for the future. Having a clear vision of what you want will only improve the likelihood of things falling into place when the time is right.

5. Listen to your intuition.
Once you’ve done the research, gathered all the opinions, and thought through all the obstacles, there’s only one thing left to do: go with your gut. Only you know what is right for you, so just do it and don’t look back. 

Are you on your way to doing what you love? Share in the comments below!


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