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IIN Blog
A Solution ...
Published: June 8, 2024

A Solution for the Healthcare Crisis?

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Do you remember when you had to visit a teller to take money out of the bank?  See a travel agent to book a flight? Or send your credit card application in the mail? Times have changed and the health care system is changing, too!

Yet most people still see a doctor for all of their health needs, even though there are so many new options available.

Why is this a problem?

90% of health issues today are related to diet and lifestyle. Yet the majority of doctors do not have specific training in how our lifestyle can affect our health, or if they do, government regulations and the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry often stand in the way of putting this learning into practice.

They know a lot about medications, operations, and disease but what about prevention? And education?

While recommendations to improve daily habits would be the ideal solution to treat an existing ailment and prevent future illnesses, most people leave the doctor’s office with a prescription (or two!) that merely puts a Band-Aid on the problem. These temporary solutions often make way for even worse illness, surgery, and other unnecessary procedures.

Did you know that:

  • $2.3 trillion is spent on healthcare each year in the United States alone.
  • Of this, only 2% goes towards prevention.
  • Children have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

People deserve better.

They deserve to know that other options are available. They deserve to be educated and given the knowledge to make powerful decisions for themselves. They deserve to be empowered and confident enough to take responsibility for their own health.

Most importantly – people deserve to live a life they love.

“Nutrition is the low-hanging fruit in medicine – a low-cost intervention with untapped potential for optimizing health.

- Stephen Devries, MD

There is a solution.

An emerging group of professionals is on a mission to give people what they deserve and help fix the global health crisis.

I’m talking about Health Coaches.

Health Coaches embrace a holistic approach to food and lifestyle and give their clients the power of choice. They use comprehensive lifestyle changes as the prescription in place of drugs and antibiotics.

There is room for everyone in the vast landscape of health and wellness.  If we work together we can become a healthier, happier, more mindful world.

How are you going to make a difference in the global health care crisis? Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.


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