Are You a Health Coach Already and Don't Even Know It?
Many people that enroll in the Health Coach Training Program are already Health Coaches and don’t even know it. They already have a passion for health and wellness; they just need the skills to really develop this as a career, the confidence in their knowledge and abilities, and the push to finally own their value.
How do you know if you’re already a Health Coach just waiting to break free? Here’s a quick questionnaire that might clue you in:
Are you the go-to person for friends and family when they have health-related questions?
Are you constantly thinking up healthy versions of your favorite recipes and sharing them with your colleagues?
Have you ever…
… Snuck healthy treats into the movie theater?
… Made a green smoothie for your kids?
… Been called “the healthy one” by your coworkers?
… Cheered on a friend for starting a new workout routine?
Does your idea of fun Saturday include…
…A cooking class with a friend?
…A sweaty yoga session?
…A trip to the health food store to find new ingredients to experiment with?
…A night in cuddled up with a green juice and a book about the healing properties of whole foods?
Yup, we’re guilty as charged, too! It’s par for the course when you’re passionate about health and want to share your enthusiasm with the world.
So how do you start getting paid for it?
At Integrative Nutrition, we teach you how to turn your passion into your dream career by harnessing and refining strengths you already possess. A few of our curriculum topics include:
- Coaching skills to help hold those you love and your future clients accountable and achieve real lasting results
- Cutting-edge dietary approaches and how to tailor a program to each of your client’s individual needs
- The importance of finding balance in all areas of your life and action plans to tackle all of those touchy subjects with the people you coach
Do you know you’d be a great coach but have no idea where to start or who you should be helping?
Well, that’s what we are here for, and the best part?
While you are learning to own your value, create a career you love and make a huge ripple in the health of those around you, you will also be learning to help yourself. You’ll find more balance in your own life, you’ll create space to accomplish your goals, and you will find the perfect way to eat for your individual body – no deprivation, just nourishment. Doesn’t that sound amazing?
For some inspiration, check out the amazing businesses our graduates have created for themselves after going through our training.
Now it’s your turn. Our admissions team is here ready to take your call and help you map out your career possibilities and decide if this is the right fit for you. This call is the first step to turning your passion into your career, and the possibilities are worth it!
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024