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Published: June 8, 2024

3 Ways to Create a Wellness Tribe Wherever You Are

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Isn’t it nice when you can let your hair down and just be yourself? When you can share your personal passion, struggles, or vision for the future, and have someone to turn to with questions, someone who actually “gets” you on a deeper level?

That’s what a wellness tribe is all about!

A wellness tribe is a group of people who share a common interest in wellness, who get together to exchange ideas and provide mutual support, and who gain inspiration from collective empowerment. 

The concept of tribes is ingrained in human history, and was used to refer to groups of people who shared land and followed certain ways of life for many generations. But in modern times, we can choose our tribes as a form of non-dietary social nourishment.

If you’ve ever felt alone in your efforts to change your diet or lifestyle, or transition your career in a more positive direction then a wellness tribe is definitely for you. It can help you feel more connected, inspired, and motivated to maintain your wellness habits and experiment with new ones. Besides, it’s fun to discuss creative new yoga trends and the most affordable superfoods with others who will get as excited about it as you do!

So what can you do to create a wellness tribe if you don’t have one?

1. Attend a meetup. is a great resource for local gatherings centered around nearly any topic you can imagine, including wellness or even specific areas of wellness, such as nutrition, fitness, mental health, certain conditions, energy healing, you name it! See what you can find in your area and attend a few meetups to connect with wellness-loving people in your area.

2. Organize a gathering.
If you have a few friends or acquaintances who are also interested in wellness, schedule a get-together at your place, or meet for lunch at a healthy café once a month. You can share your latest personal wellness practices, favorite recipes, books, challenges, or tips. Keep it regular so you stay connected, and use social media to share virtually between gatherings.

3. Become a regular at a local wellness hub.
Whether it’s a yoga studio, a café, or a meditation center, chances are that there’s someplace in your area where wellness-loving people are already coming together, so go there and check it out! A real tribe is one you come in contact with regularly, so once you find a place you like make it a part of your schedule to attend. You’re likely to meet new people and keep the connection alive even outside that particular hub.

Wellness tribes that connect in person will have a stronger bond, but digital tribes can be great too! Find a virtual wellness program that has a “community” element so you can interact with others regularly, or find forums or Facebook groups focused on topics that interest you.

Consistency is key when it comes to tribes. You won’t get the deeper feeling of connection if you jump around from one group to another, so find one you like and stick with it or start your own!

The Integrative Nutrition tribe is a growing one that spans continents, experience levels, ages, cultures, and unique approaches, but what every Integrative Nutrition student and graduate has in common is a passion for creating a healthier and happier world. Most students say enrolling at IIN is like coming home to a family you love. How cool is that?

Do you have a wellness tribe you’re a part of? Share in the comments below!

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