Eat Wheat: A Groundbreaking New Book by Dr. John Douillard
The idea that a prominent expert in health, nutrition, and Ayurveda would write a book advocating for the consumption of wheat and dairy – two foods that have been vilified for years – may seem shocking, but then again it might be just what we need to regain balance and perspective.
Eat Wheat: The Scientifically and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back into Your Diet is a groundbreaking new book by Integrative Nutrition guest speaker, Dr. John Douillard. Not only does this surprising title reveal the real cause of diet-related inflammation and food sensitivities, but it also debunks some of the common misconceptions about the dangers of gluten-free foods. Yes, we were surprised too!
Through recent research, Dr. Douillard illustrates how it’s not necessarily the foods themselves that are causing symptoms, but an internal systemic issue within the lymphatic and digestive systems.
He also discusses the benefits of these traditional foods, and the potential downsides of avoiding wheat and dairy, which could impact our ability to combat other disease-causing toxins.
Dr. Douillard is a natural writer, and makes his case with a combination of clear history and context, scientific evidence, and traditional wisdom.
He points to the role of “agni,” or digestive fire as it has long been understood in the healing tradition of Ayurveda, as having natural rhythms that can be harnessed for healing. Aspects including eating seasonally, being mindful of eating patterns throughout the day, and other natural methods for reigniting our digestive fire are offered as solutions to prepare the body for a healthy reintroduction of wheat and dairy.
While it may be tempting, and even trendy, to point to “bad foods” and avoid them completely, doesn’t it sound more natural to eat in moderation? According to Dr. Douillard, we can take control of our health and reintroduce these forbidden foods back into our diets, eating with less fear and restriction. We just need to know the facts and reconnect with our body’s natural strengths and rhythms again.
Eat Wheat is an intriguing take on a complex issue and provides a credible source of information and inspiration! You can check out a preview of the book and purchase your copy here!
At Integrative Nutrition, we believe in a concept called bio-individuality, which states that there’s no single diet that’s right for everyone. We encourage wellness exploration and understanding your own unique body, then gradually transitioning towards those choices that leave you feeling your best.
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024