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Published: June 8, 2024

How to Detox Your Body of Heavy Metals

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Do you feel regularly fatigued or anxious, despite all your best efforts to lead an overall healthy lifestyle? If so, you are not alone – and the culprit could be heavy metals.

Heavy metals (such as mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic) can lead to adverse health outcomes associated with everything from impaired fertility to death, depending on the level of exposure. Although the body needs small amounts of some metals (copper, for example) to function properly, overexposure can lead to a toxicity that can be quite dangerous.

Unfortunately, the amount of individuals around the world with unhealthy levels of heavy metals in their bodies is rising. In fact, the CDC estimates that nearly half a million young children globally have dangerously elevated levels of lead in their blood.

It’s not difficult to become exposed to heavy metals - they can be found in the air, food, and even water. That's why it's so important to educate ourselves and discover where exactly these metals are hiding. For example, mercury can be found in water, fish meat, and up until recently, dental fillings. Lead can be found in old pipes and drains, easily making its way into the water supply. Even things like deodorant and cookware may be source of heavy metal exposure.

Although it is not easy to completely rid the body of heavy metals, there are certain steps that can be taken to remove them. Below are a few methods that may help to support detoxification.

How to Heavy Metal Detox Effectively

Here are a few common and effective foods, products, and tools you can use to help your body get rid of some of those access heavy metals: 


Once called the “poor man’s chelation therapy,” it's been shown that cilantro may help our bodies release built up neurotoxins - including heavy metals. Not sure how to get more cilantro into your diet? Try blending it up into smoothies or juices – you'd be surprised how seamlessly it blends in without impacting flavor. It also adds the perfect amount of flavor to a delicious salsa!


Chlorella is a water-grown algae full of chlorophyll that may also help to reduce heavy metals in the body. Chlorella can be ingested as a powder form in a smoothie, or even added to a face mask. However, studies show that chlorella may reduce the effectiveness of certain medications – so be sure to check with your doctor before you incorporate it into your diet.

Infrared Saunas

Unlike regular saunas, infrared saunas raise your core temperature, which in turn enhances the metabolic process. By doing so, infrared saunas have the power to help support natural elimination systems to help release toxins stored in the body.

To put it simply, total avoidance of heavy metals is nearly impossible – but there are many things you can do to minimize your risk and further your detox efforts. If you suspect you are frequently exposed to heavy metals in your environment, you should speak with your physician to develop a full detox plan. 
If you're curious about other ways to detox your mind, body, and soul, check out the Detox Your Life Course, which can help you redefine the meaning of clean living for a healthier, happier you! 

Stay healthy, and happy detoxing! 


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