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Published: June 8, 2024

Health Coach Feature: Lauren Chambers Shares Her Real Food Approach to Supporting Clients

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Lauren Chambers is a certified nutrition and hormone Health Coach, a Feel Good Food recipe blogger, and the founder of So Fresh N So Green. Her mission is to empower and inspire you to eat well and treat yourself even better – so you can feel amazing and ultimately live your best life.

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A: Prior to Integrative Nutrition, I was working in tech sales, which is so hilarious because I’m not even a very tech-savvy person. I just sort of fell into the path post-college and stayed complacent in it for far too long.

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
A: After trying every diet under the sun for the previous decade (and experiencing a ton of digestive issues and symptoms as a result), I was finally on a path toward healing myself and my relationship with food. I was so inspired by the positive change cooking with real foods brought to my life on a physical, mental, and emotional level that I wanted to empower others to do the same. Health coaching just seemed like the next natural step.

Q: How has your life changed since becoming a Health Coach?
A: It has changed in profound ways I would have never dreamed possible prior! Everything about my life is different now, in the best possible way. I now spend my days doing what I love, which involves empowering others to eat well so that they feel well and ultimately live their best lives.

It’s an honor to do what I do, and I truly believe it contributes to IIN’s mission to create a healthy, positive ripple effect that transforms the world. Positive change starts from within and then spreads outward, impacting everyone and everything around you.

So to bring it back to the question, my life has changed because not only do I get to do what I love, but I get to really serve others and feel excited about the contribution I’m making to the world as well as the example I’m setting for my daughter. I’m living authentically, and my lifestyle is aligned with what I’m passionate about, which brings me so much joy and happiness I doubt I’d otherwise experience. I hope my daughter is inspired to do the same, whatever that may be.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
A: Primary and secondary food and bio-individuality were huge game changers. I also learned so much going back to IIN to become accredited in hormone health. Every lesson was valuable, though, in some way, shape, or form.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: Mornings involve waking up and feeding my four-month-old baby girl, then meditating while I pump (LOL), drinking lemon water, making Bulletproof coffee (with vanilla bean ghee and collagen – mmm), and filling out my 5-minute gratitude journal. That’s my routine, and it really helps build a healthy foundation for the day. Then I try to batch my tasks so on certain days I accomplish certain things (i.e., Tuesdays and Wednesdays I see clients, Thursdays and Fridays I work on recipe content/photo shoots, Mondays I schedule my content/social media and plan out my week, and weekends I try hard NOT to work and get outside/ spend QT with my fam). I also try to get in some form of exercise almost every day (even if it’s just a quick walk with the baby and dog). Breakfasts and lunches are usually quick and consist of leftovers (like a big bowl of veggies, eggs, avocado, and tahini), but I try to make dinner most nights because it truly relaxes me and I consider it “my time.” I’ll turn on some good music and occasionally have a glass of wine while I cook. Then after the baby goes to sleep, my husband and I typically just Netflix and chill. I try to be in bed by 10pm and pass out reading on my Kindle every single night.

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?
A: ME! Ha. But truly I hear the excuse all the time that the market is too saturated. There may be a lot of Health Coaches out there, but no one is YOU, and only you can bring to the table your unique outlook, skills, passions, personality, etc. I also focus heavily on food (a healthy relationship to it, learning how to feel good and confident in your decisions, delicious recipes that also work to optimize your health, etc.) as well as hormone health (optimizing fertility, alleviating PMS symptoms, balancing cortisol and stress, healing adrenals or your thyroid, etc.).

Q: How do you help your clients be successful? Is there a recent example that stands out for you?
A: I think most of the success comes from helping my clients feel truly supported. I just read a new statistic that the #1 pillar of health is having support, and that makes so much sense to me. When you have an educated, supportive person cheering you on and helping you toward your goals, it’s much easier to reach them (and know which way you should be heading in the first place). I have so many amazing client testimonials (listed on my site), but the most frequent (and awesome) feedback I hear from clients is that they leave working with me having transformed their relationship with food from one built on anxiety, stress, control, and fear to one of understanding, compassion, and joy.

Q: What do you love about your work?
A: Everything! I love that I get to support others in feeling their best, because I know how positively it will not only impact them but everyone and everything around them as a result. I love that I dictate my own schedule, and I love that I feel constantly creatively fulfilled and inspired with my recipe content creation and projects.

Q: How have you seen the need for Health Coaches change over the years?
A: I think the need has grown and will only continue to do so with the variety of health issues our world is experiencing (especially the rise in stress-related illnesses, like anxiety and depression, hormone health issues, autoimmune conditions, obesity, cancer, heart disease, etc.). People need the education, inspiration, and support to change and heal, and that’s exactly what Health Coaches provide.

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work, and personal wellness?
A: Ooh, this is a toughie. I think if you can try to pick your three biggest priorities each day and do those things, it’s usually achievable. I’d also advise you to be present in the moment, no matter what you’re doing. That way, even if you only have an hour to spend with your kids or 10 minutes to eat lunch, you’re actually “there” to experience and enjoy it. Wherever you are, be there.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: I already mentioned it before in regards to my morning routine, but that’s really my favorite way to wake up each day – smiles and time with my daughter, meditation, gratitude journal, and creamy Bulletproof coffee on the couch with my husband – nothing beats it.

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