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8 Simple ...
Published: June 8, 2024

8 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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This Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day, which is the perfect time to celebrate and recognize Mother Earth and her bountiful gifts. 

We all know that making conscious food choices is vital to your health, but did you know that eating healthily can also help the planet?

Think about it: Pesticides don’t just affect your body; they pollute water systems, plants, and animals. Factory farms not only produce low-quality meat and dairy; they also put great strain on natural resources.

The good news? You can help the environment every time you go to the grocery store, cook dinner, or eat a snack and, of course, your energy levels, waistline, and overall wellbeing will benefit, too. 

Want to make an even bigger impact?

Check out our infographic all about how you can reduce your carbon footprint!

Click here to download as a PDF to save or print!

We only have one Earth – let’s join together to make a difference!

What other ways do you “go green” to help the environment? We’d love to hear your thoughts - please share in the comments section below!

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