If you are passionate about healthy, sustainable food practices, now is the time to take action!
This coming Monday, February 27th, you have a unique opportunity to join forces with national advocates of healthy eating. This is a chance to call for a healthier future. It's called Occupy Our Food Supply (OFS), and you can help now! Please 'Like' the OFS Facebook page and follow their newsfeed.
What can you do to help fight food practices that are destroying the Earth and our bodies? With your wallet.
Here are a few ideas:
- Buy seasonal whole foods.
- Prepare meals with the most basic ingredients.
- Read packaging and nutrition labels.
- Learn the meaning of "natural," "free-range," “grass-fed,” and "organic."
- Join a CSA. Find one here.
- Buy Fair Trade chocolate, coffee, tea, and anything else you can. Find Fair Trade products here.
- Try Meatless Mondays.
- Plant your own garden. Get going with a starter kit from In the Koop.
These are just a few ideas anyone can adopt to move our society towards a healthier future. We also encourage you to show your support through social media. Use the hashtag #F27 to spread the word! Together, we can make a real difference, and our very health depends on it.
Find more ways to Occupy Our Food Systems here. How will you get IINvolved?
Thank you,