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IIN Blog
Our 2020 ...
Published: June 8, 2024

Our 2020 Vision: Creating Health and Happiness in the World

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As the end of the year approaches, it’s a time of reflection. It’s the perfect time to create your future. 

What do you want to accomplish in 2013? What will you achieve in the coming days, weeks, months? Where do you want to be in your life?

You have the power to create your future. You can change your health and your life. It starts with a vision for where you want to be in a year.

The more that you can distinguish what your goal is, the more likely it is to happen. You can plan what steps to take. Create your future instead of having it happen randomly. 

My goal is a big one. It’s a future vision of health care that I call our 2020 Vision.

By the year 2020, the goal is to have people see clearly that food changes everything. The way to create health and happiness for the world is through prevention and education. By creating this shift, people will rely less often on medications and operation.

This year, we’ve made great strides toward this goal. I never imagined that the dream that I had when I started IIN would become the movement that it is today.

But here we are, 20 years later, with students and graduates in over 100 countries. Integrative Nutrition really is more than just a school – it’s a movement that’s created a ripple effect of health and happiness that’s transforming the world.

The world still needs help. People want to get healthy. They just don’t know how.

What could you do next year to contribute to our 2020 Vision of health and happiness for the world?

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