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Published: June 8, 2024

San Francisco Health Coach Jessica Mishra Brings Sustainable Wellness to Silicon Valley

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With an influx of tech companies and big businesses, San Francisco has become nearly as fast-paced and high-pressure as Manhattan. Working there as a CPA for a large corporation, Jessica Mishra certainly felt that pressure. When her own health issues led her to seek out answers in the holistic health realm, she realized that there was an alternative: a life of balance, health, and peace.

Inspired by her own experience, she enrolled in IIN and left her corporate job upon graduating in 2011. Jessica now offers corporate wellness programs to help others facing the challenging circumstances she once overcame. “I became passionate about helping other busy professionals find balance and optimum health,” she says, and now does this by offering yoga classes and nutrition counseling, as well as financial and business coaching services. Combining her financial and corporate expertise with her wellness training allows her to address the whole person—at home, at work, and in the world. “I have guided many clients through difficult financial times,” she says. “And I now hope to apply this experience to support wellness!”

Read on to hear how this driven San Francisco Health Coach is helping others take charge of their lives!

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Prior to enrolling at IIN, I was working full time in accounting/finance for a large corporation in San Francisco. I am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over five years of experience in the practice of public accounting.

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?
Like many others who enter into the IIN training program, I had many health challenges. At the time, I was determined to heal myself using a holistic approach. I met with a Naturopathic doctor and did a lot of my own research and began to change my diet and habits. After working on my healing for some time, I became passionate about helping other busy professionals like me find balance and optimum health.

How did your life change after enrolling?
I learned a lot about health and nutrition and also became clearer on what my mission was with my business. I met so many amazing people that inspired me to take a risk, and I gained the confidence to leave my corporate job after graduation and go full time with my practice.

Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you? 
I really enjoyed Dr. Mark Hyman, Deepak Chopra, Dr. John Douillard, Dr. Andrew Weil, and so many more! The topics about digestive health and blood sugar issues were very helpful for me (something I was struggling with at the time).

What are you doing now?
I am now practicing as both a Certified Health Coach and a business coach. I offer corporate wellness programs, which include weekly vinyasa flow yoga classes, interactive nutrition workshops/team challenges, and Fiscal Fitness seminars (personal finance support for employees). I also offer business coaching services to wellness and fitness professionals.  

What makes you and your practice or product unique?
I offer a unique combination of services that address several vital aspects of health. Yoga to encourage movement and flexibility in the body while helping to minimize the effects of stress, nutrition education to promote nourishment and vitality in the body, and Fiscal Fitness to bring organization and clarity in the area of personal finance.
I strive to offer a practical, moderate approach that clients can really stick with. A plan that nicely compliments their daily routine. I believe healthy habits should be enjoyable and sustainable.

What do you love about your work?
I remember a time where I felt helpless with my current health, and I turned to several health professionals to support and educate me so that I could heal and become strong again. I love that I now get to pay that forward and support others in a similar situation in their wellness efforts.

Is there a need for Health Coaches where you live?
Yes, there definitely is. In San Francisco, there is a wonderful open minded attitude towards this type of work, and there is absolutely a need for corporate wellness. I think there is a huge opening in the market for Health Coaches in this area. 

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