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Published: June 8, 2024

How Registered Nurse Katie Hussong Changed Her Approach to Health

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2013 graduate Katie Hussong has always had a strong interest in health and wellness. From doing Jane Fonda workout DVD’s with her mom to her work as a Registered Nurse, Katie’s passion was fueled by her desire to make a difference. 

Even though Katie’s work as a RN felt amazing, she realized that the modern medical system needed a shift towards focusing on making last changes in the lives of patients. By enrolling in the Health Coach Training Program, Katie was able to combine her experience as a RN with her passion for wellness to create a fulfilling career.

Read on to uncover how Integrative Nutrition inspired Katie to change her approach to wellness and create happier, healthier people in her community. 

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?          

Prior to enrolling at IIN, I was working full-time as a Registered Nurse in an urban level two Trauma Center. I became a nurse out of a desire to make a difference in the world - and a lifelong interest in health and wellness. The modern medical system can do some pretty amazing things - but it felt to me like something was missing. What I wanted was to be able to build relationships with people - to teach them and support them in making real, lasting changes in their lives. I was inspired by the incredible work so many people were out in the world doing. But so often, I noticed, they forgot to take care of themselves (their bodies and minds) in that process. I felt like I needed a way to do more: to change my approach. 

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?     

In 2009, I developed some major health problems (asthma, acid reflux, IBS, chronic colds, and allergies) and didn't understand where they'd come from. Doctors and medications weren't helping me, and I'd become quite depressed. I wasn't myself. By chance, I watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" - and it was like a light bulb went off. Food as medicine! It was such a simple concept - and yet so powerful. Over the course of six months, my life completely turned around. I no longer needed an inhaler, the acid reflux totally resolved, my stomach was calm, and the colds and allergies had hugely improved. If I could do this myself (naturally - without doctors or medications!) I knew others could, too. And I wanted to share that message. 

Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?

I went into IIN with a passion for the primary foods. I wanted to focus on how real, whole, plant-based foods could change people's lives. And while I really appreciated and enjoyed all the information I learned about dietary theories and all the incredible teachers who shared their knowledge, it was the concept of "Primary Food" that had the greatest impact on me. For the first time, I could clearly see that finding happiness in life (personally, professionally, creatively, spiritually, etc.) is just as important to the food we put into our bodies. Understanding this - and taking it to heart - was a game-changer.

What projects are you currently working on?

Right now I'm putting together some new programs- for those who are looking for less of a time commitment or maybe aren't ready for the full investment. I'm also doing more writing. And as a Culinary Nutrition Expert, I've become super comfortable in the kitchen (finally!). Having my recipes featured on major websites (including MindBodyGreen) has been a great way to expand my reach. 

What makes you and your practice or product unique?    

I come from a place of love, compassion, and the belief that you CAN change your life. I remember what it was like to feel defeated, depressed, and deflated. Like my spark was gone and my health was out of my hands. But I'm proof that all that can change. I'm a real person with a big heart and a passion for helping people feel good and live well. I love to eat delicious food, do yoga, travel, and connect with people who are out in the world making a difference. And my clients are exactly those kinds of people.

What do you love about your work?    

I love being a Health Coach. I am inspired by people who are out in the world making good things happen. My message is: Let good food and mindful living be the foundation of your awesome life. As a Health Coach, I get to work with great people doing work that makes a difference. I get to focus on the things I'm most passionate about and I get to talk to people about food and wellness all day long. I feel like my life and work are more aligned than ever - and that's a great feeling.

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