Health Coach Amie Valpone on Healing Chronic Illness & Clean Eating
Twenty five years ago, Joshua Rosenthal founded Integrative Nutrition with the mission of improving global health and happiness. Today, we're not just a school - we're a movement that's larger than ever, with over 100,000 students and graduates worldwide. To celebrate our 25th anniversary we’ll be featuring the journeys of 25 rockstar graduates over the next few weeks! Follow along and read their stories here.
Today we’d like to introduce you to Amie Valpone, a 2009 graduate of Integrative Nutrition, Health Coach and personal chef, professional recipe developer, and author of the new book Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body.
After years of struggling with a multitude of health conditions Amie decided to take her health into her own hands. She sought out the best functional medicine doctors she could find, underwent a series of detox treatments, and transformed her diet and lifestyle in a way that nourishes her unique body with the utmost care.
Now, Amie has made it her mission to change the way people eat and to spread the word about just how much clean eating has made a difference in her life.
We recently connected with Amie, and here’s what she had to say about her experience with the Health Coach Training Program:
What brought you to Integrative Nutrition?
I was dealing with chronic illness and wanted to find a way to heal myself with food and mind-body practices so I enrolled and I loved it. I took the classes while I was working a corporate job years ago, before I started my own business.
What were you looking forward to most?
Learning how to get a jump-start to heal my body from 10 years of chronic illness.
What did you love learning about most?
The different sides of wellness and healing. That was proof to me that we are all unique and we all need different foods to thrive. None of us are the same! It’s about listening to our own bodies and what makes us feel good; not what everyone else is doing or eating.
What did you learn that you didn’t expect to learn that surprised you?
Mind-body connection! That was huge for me and took me years to fully understand. It is still incredible for me to think about!
What did you love most about Integrative Nutrition?
It was wonderful; I met so many incredible people. I learned a lot and it inspired me to continue my education and learn more. The guest speakers were also incredible, so inspiring and amazing!
What do you love most about being a Health Coach?
Traveling to work with my clients, helping them feel amazing and get their lives back on track.
How did IIN help you to set up the successful business you run today?
IIN was the start to the wellness world for me so it was a great beginner step. I am so happy I took the course. From there I started working with brands and clients and my life has been magical. I’m beyond grateful for IIN and the life that I live now. I love my clients and I love waking up every morning to do what I do!
Connect with Amie:
On her website The Healthy Apple
On Twitter
On Facebook
On Instagram
On Pinterest
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024