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Published: June 8, 2024

Meet Our January 2017 Health Coach Leadership Award Winners!

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Congratulations to our Leadership in Health Coaching Award recipients for the January 2017 class! Learn more about these successful graduates below.

1. Beth Fetvedt
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I formerly worked for the same dental practice that I managed for almost 25 years. In April 2016, my boss sold the practice to a younger dentist who had his own office manager. So I was unemployed for the first time since 1992. Yet with newfound freedom, my family and I were able to spend three months in Tokyo in the autumn of 2016 because of my husband’s career. While in Tokyo, I took the opportunity to study Reiki and received my Level 1 and Level 2 training. I hope to return to Tokyo to receive further training from my Reiki master, Yuko Kubota.

How did your life change after enrolling?
The year studying at IIN has been truly amazing! I visited NYC at an event in February 2017, where Joshua spoke to a ballroom full of men and women, and I met other students and made new friends. In April, I enrolled in the Advanced Business Course offered by IIN. Immediately, I was challenged with the task of gathering as many Health Histories as possible in under a week. Initially I brushed off the exercise, but then the school’s philosophy of courage in action motivated me to rise to this challenge, and I won the challenge by finding 41 people to complete Health Histories for me. I have been overwhelmed by the simplicity of the mission of IIN, the ripple effect, and the concepts of bio-individuality and primary food. I have a healed body.

2. Bessy Ziannis
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
A driven and accomplished CPA, CA, and businesswoman with 20 years of experience in the corporate world, my personal health journey brought me to a crossroads. Rather than deciding “which road to take,” I merged my business acumen and entrepreneurial nature with my passion for health and wellness, and I established a boutique wellness company with a mission to help people live healthy, happy, and vital lives and inspire change. I collaborated with a renowned and reputable Canadian naturopath and obtained the exclusive international rights to promote and distribute his products internationally. I started working with naturopaths, doctors, and leading hospitality brands to shift their perception of wellness to a holistic integrative way.

How did your life change after enrolling?
First, it reminded me how much I love learning and teaching! Second, it crystallized, in a formal way, my own beliefs and thoughts about health, nutrition, and wellness and, having the proper qualifications and credentials, gave me the confidence to speak about those topics to others. Third, the concept of primary and secondary food revolutionized my own way of living and thinking, which I now apply in my daily life choices. Last, the greatest change and impact for me was applying the IIN concepts to my family over the past year. Not only did I see firsthand how they truly work, but we all became healthier and happier as a family, and more bonded than before.

3. Elke Blight
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Prior to IIN I was working full-time as an Accounts Manager for a local school. This is a position I had been in for over 10 years and one I am highly efficient and competent in. However as my children have grown up, I had a growing sense that there was more for me. There was something else I was truly meant to do – it would require great personal growth, stepping outside my comfort zone – but it would bring great reward in the sense that it would bring great value to others. Little did I know then what was around the corner!

How did your life change after enrolling?
The Health Coach Training Program, from the first module, took me on a journey of awakening, understanding, and a profound path of defining purpose. A reawakening to my own body after the challenges of several years prior and an awakening to my true passion having taken what was a “keen interest” in health and wellness and moving it to what truly brings me joy and fulfillment. I gained a deeper understanding of the different aspects of my life that led to the health challenges I experienced, which brought great healing and has resulted in a profound sense of purpose moving forward. My story, my experience, can make a difference in the lives of others when it comes to toxic stress, life imbalance, and the “having to do it all” burden many women carry.

4. Chantal Seada
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I have a bachelor’s degree in fine art as well as a post-graduate certificate in education, and for many years I worked as an artist, art educator, and academic teacher. While doing so, it was a beautiful, interesting, and restorative journey but, several years ago, I began to experience intense feelings of despair because I knew, that through these professions, I was no longer able to reach my full potential and/or greatest vision! I didn’t know how to bring all my unique gifts, talents, and desires together into one meaningful place where I could actually make a difference in the world while also earning a living through doing so! Today, I’m forever grateful as my journey through IIN was able to unlock that place of knowing within me!

How did your life change after enrolling?
Even though I knew that I had listened to my heart at the time of enrolling, I wasn’t sure of what to expect or where it would lead me. My hope in the least was for some place better than my current situation at that time! I would never have been able to foresee the insightful transformation that would occur within my life and being, especially during the second half of the program when all the pieces of my puzzle came together in blissful harmony! I experienced one epiphany after the other, profound moments of synchronicity occurred, and now my days are filled with excitement as I have a map in my hand and my road ahead is bright and clear!

5. Glenda Branch
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I am a fifth-generation Texan, born and raised in Austin, Texas. I was a stay-at-home mom for the first part of my adult life and then pursued a career as a litigation paralegal for 22 years before embarking on a new life journey as inspired by the teachings of IIN!

How did your life change after enrolling?
I enrolled at IIN in my 50s and knew within the first week of class that I was going to embark on a completely new journey and career at a time when most people my age were planning retirement. The internal fulfillment I had longed for both professionally and personally was finally being realized in a way that I knew was in alignment with my heart.

6. Patricia DeMartino
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Before enrolling at IIN, I was working a part-time position for a medical billing business.

How did your life change after enrolling?
Today I am a more daring person. I take more chances, speak up more readily, feel more confident, and catch myself before apologizing for every last little thing. Others have faith in me and my abilities; it’s about time I did, too.

7. Christina (Tina) Hodges
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
Before IIN, I was running a church part-time (I’m also an ordained minister) and doing life and leadership coaching in my not-for-profit part-time. Although I originally trained in nursing, I’ve always been passionate for well-being, despite people’s circumstances, and coming to IIN has enabled me to become reignited in a key part of life for me. It has already benefited both myself and others.

How did your life change after enrolling?
There’s a “marriage” between nutrition and lifestyle that needs to happen for well-being to happen. It’s this “marriage” that was under the magnifying glass for me as I had to step back from toxic situations and really listen to my heart. My heart was stopped and restarted three times the previous year because of pressures causing fibrillation. I didn’t want heart surgery and the medication I was taking for heart failure added 30 lbs. of weight on me and caused immense tiredness. I left my job and told the consultant I didn’t want the operation or drugs. I told him my job was making me ill and he agreed with me on everything. Within three months, I was off ALL my medication, the operation was cancelled, and I feel better daily!

8. Betty White
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
As far as my job goes, I have the same one now as prior to enrolling. However, I was stuck internally. I kept thinking there needed to be more, almost like a midlife crisis. I needed something to inspire me to get out of bed in the morning and face the day with a new attitude.

How did your life change after enrolling?
As most busy people, it was a juggle to get in all the modules, but what I learned about myself was eye opening. I never expected to learn so much about myself, and the more I learned, the more I became unstuck internally. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am on the right path and have so much to look forward to in my future.

9. Pamela Fox
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Before IIN I was emerging! I was discovering myself, my passions, and balance. And I was enjoying newfound health all thanks to discovering plant-based nutrition.

How did your life change after enrolling?
Many ways of course, but I would say one of my favorites is knowing that I can reach any goal as long as it is attainable, and I never give up. I never realized this before and rarely set goals or worked toward them...I was stagnant.

10. Jennifer Coles
What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?
I owned and operated a gluten-free baking company in Chico, CA.

How did your life change after enrolling?
I started taking more time for self-care and giving myself permission to take breaks and do things I want to do that bring me joy. I have found activities like tai chi, playing my guitar, acupuncture, and taking hot showers at the end of the day really help reduce my stress level.

June 8, 2024

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