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How Alisa ...
Published: June 8, 2024

How Alisa Vitti Solved Her Hormonal Issues, and How She's Helping Thousands of Women Do the Same

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Alisa Vitti is a women’s hormone and functional nutrition expert and pioneer in female biohacking. She is the bestselling author of WomanCode and the creator of the Cycle Syncing Method® – a female-centric diet and lifestyle program that leverages hormonal patterns for optimal health, fitness, and productivity.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Alisa Vitti's Cycle Syncing Method®

As the founder of, she has built the world’s first menstrual healthcare platform that helps women around the world put their period issues, like PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, and PMS, into remission naturally using her highly effective FLO Protocol and the FLO Balance Supplements.

Alisa is also the creator of the MyFLO period app – the first and only functional medicine period tracker designed to help users eliminate symptoms and schedule their lives according to their cycles. 

A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Alisa has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show and Lifetime and has been a regular contributor for Cosmo, Harper’s Bazaar, and Women’s Health. She has served on the wellness council for Yahoo Health, MindBodyGreen, and Well & Good.

She was selected as a PureWow 100 Women to Watch honoree in 2018 and a Thrive Global 12 Women Entrepreneurs Changing the World in 2019. She is also an adviser to several health tech startups. She has presented at SXSW, TEDx, Talks@Google, Summit Series Outside, Cycles&Sex, WIE Symposium, and SHE Summit and regularly trains women in the workplace to use her Cycle Syncing Method® for greater creativity, productivity, and well-being at work.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!


Q: What led you to enroll at IIN?
A: I was interested in learning about different nutritional theories to help address my PCOS. I went through my own hormonal issues in my late teens and early twenties. I had doctors dismiss me and misdiagnose me, even as my symptoms got worse. I was over 200 pounds, covered in cystic acne, and didn’t get a period more than five times in the decade from 12 to 22 years of age. Eventually, through a tremendous amount of research, I diagnosed myself with PCOS (a doctor confirmed) and created a protocol to reverse my symptoms. That experience opened my eyes to the struggle women go through to get the kind of support they need to deal with period problems effectively.

Q: Which part of the Health Coach Training Program resonated with you most and led you to start FLO Living?
A: I had promised myself when I first got diagnosed with PCOS – and was told there was nothing that could be done to help me aside from a lifetime of medication – that if I could figure out how to improve my condition, I would build a place where women like myself could go to get help. The training gave me the confidence to get started on my entrepreneurial journey.

Q: What makes FLO Living unique?
A: We are a modern menstrual healthcare company. That has never existed for women so that alone makes it unique. Beyond that, we are a place where women from every continent come to resolve their period, fertility, and perimenopausal issues naturally and where they can access that support and our other products and services easily and affordably.

Q: How has your life changed since starting FLO Living and helping thousands of women heal their underlying hormonal issues?
A: I keep working on our mission, but my life has changed because I’ve become an author, spoken on major stages like TEDx, SXSW, and Summit, built an app, entered the femtech community, gotten married, and become a mother. I do love it when women come up to me on the street and tell me their success stories from FLO Living – that’s new and fun!

Q: What does a typical day look like for you now?
A: I always start my day by making breakfast for my daughter and getting her situated for the day. Then I head out for my morning walk, come home, have breakfast, take supplements, and get ready for work. I head to my office, take calls, have meetings, do interviews, and work on projects. I have dinner at home with the family and my wind-down routine of supplements, tea, and a chat with my husband. Of course, every week is organized differently based on which phase of the cycle I am in – I use the MyFLO app to optimize my time management.

Q: Can you share a specific success story of someone who has adopted the FLO protocol?
A: There are so many – a woman with preoperative ovarian cysts wanted to avoid surgery, did the protocol, and went in halfway through for an ultrasound. The cysts were completely gone – her doctor was in total shock – that’s a favorite.

Q: What do you love most about your work?
A: Helping a woman become a mother is so rewarding, especially when she’s given up hope of ever getting pregnant. Getting asked to speak at SXSW as the first female biohacker was an incredible honor. I love, in sessions or at talks, being able to connect the dots for women about why they are having the symptoms they are having. It’s a joy to be able to turn the lights on for someone who has been struggling in the dark. Women waking up to the power of their biology and making the commitment not to suppress it with medication is wonderful. It’s a blessing to do this work.

I also love working on the business and with my team – being an entrepreneur is so stimulating – I’m always learning.

Q: Since graduating from IIN, how have you seen the Health Coach industry change?
A: It has changed so much – mainly in the way it has gone so mainstream. Health Coaches are part of many practices. More Health Coaches are starting all sorts of wonderful brands and companies. It’s incredible to see!

Q: What’s your tip for balancing your family, work, and personal wellness?
A: I don’t balance – I base my activity on what is optimal for my biology and get everything done at the right time. I created FLO Living to help women do this as well It’s described in WomanCode and made easily accessible in the MyFLO app. I consider myself a female biohacker, so I don’t seek balance; I am constantly adjusting my work, personal, and family priorities accordingly.

Q: Tell us your favorite way to wake up each day!
A: With cuddles from my daughter – she comes to wake me up every morning.

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