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Published: June 8, 2024

Meet our Leadership in Health Coaching Award Recipients for the August 2019 Accelerated Class

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Congratulations to our Leadership in Health Coaching Award recipients for the HCTP August 2019 Accelerated class! Integrative Nutrition believes in, supports, and celebrates all our incredible graduates for spreading the ripple effect of health and happiness in the world. The Leadership in Health Coaching Award was created to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates, specifically those doing outstanding work that aligns with Integrative Nutrition’s core mission. Learn more about the winners below!


Bianca Kamhi

New York, New York


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

For many years, I devoted my academic and professional career to working in the business art world in New York City. I have a BA in art history from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an MA in art administration from FIT in New York, and a business certificate from NYU. While I loved working in the arts, I have always had a strong passion for integrative nutrition and knew that ultimately one day I would work up the courage to go back to school to learn more about my health passion.

I made the necessary switch for myself – and now have the tools to help others who are in the same position I was in by preaching how small daily changes can make a huge impact on happiness and health.


How did your life change after enrolling?

Oh goodness! My life completely changed! I always knew the importance of holistic health…but never really KNEW just how important it actually was. I learned to be more open, patient, and confident with my decisions after doing this program. I became more eager to learn and was able to take all the lessons from the program and apply them to myself. I also grew more confident in the kitchen and started to cook more, which has been a fun new venture for me!


Len Jefferson-Springer

San Diego, California

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

 Restorative eating facilitator and curriculum developer for the nonprofit Served Up Sober as well as cooking class facilitator for busy women called The Garden of Eating, hosting and speaking at women’s empowerment events, offering meal prep and plans and catering small events for women.

Working in healthcare as a surgery patient counselor for cataract and glaucoma and working in administrative roles for retina specialists. I’ve also worked in the judicial system and helped run an aesthetic school and skincare line.

Everything that I have always done and loved to do was in guiding others and being of educational service to them in some way.


How did your life change after enrolling?

After enrolling, my life changed in many ways. Some of my background gave me insight, but to get teachings from leaders in functional medicine, gut health, brain health, emotional wellness, and more was such an eye-opener. Through varied modules, I got to really narrow down my niche for the way I want to serve as a coach. Again, IIN gave me the language and access to information for my journey. I got to be among amazing like-minded colleagues from all over the world, which gave me different perspectives and an opportunity to connect prospective clients who may not be a fit for what I offer to a coach who can best guide them. I built new supportive friendships with my colleagues – some of whom I still connect with every couple of weeks.


Elena Stophel

Denver, Colorado

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

A natural foods chef running a meal-prep business (Well Fed by Elena), specializing in fresh, delicious, and whole-food-based organic meals prepared from the best local ingredients without shortcuts and compromises for busy professionals as well as families. I use the best organic, seasonal, and local produce, pastured meats, and wild, sustainable fish and seafood. I am also a certified 21-day sugar detox coach and was already coaching prior to joining IIN.


How did your life change after enrolling?

 I now only work with private chefs’ service clients for their meal needs instead of mass production for the public. I moved more into coaching full-time, which I find a lot more rewarding and what I ultimately love to do. I was able to systemize everything that I have learned and have known about nutrition and health, and I can serve my clients much more effectively and more holistically.


Courtney Flint

Milton, Massachusetts


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Prior to enrolling, I was a burnt-out ex–high school teacher, working with an essential oil company, running my family’s small business with my husband, and being a mother to our four kids. I had been on the quest to further extend my knowledge of health and wellness and felt drawn to the course. I also had been working on my own self-development, so I enrolled at the perfect time.


How did your life change after enrolling?

I love learning but had not studied for a long time after having kids. So once the course started, that feeling came flooding back and I gained a level of vitality and joy that I had been missing. As a family, I was able to find joy in cooking again as I wanted to further improve the health of my family. We started spending quality time together rather than rushing through life like we were so used to doing. The primary food aspect of what we were learning really influenced our lives.


Heather Byington

Ferndale, Michigan

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I was finishing up massage therapy school and was about to leave for yoga teacher training in Costa Rica.


How did your life change after enrolling?

I thought I did a pretty good job of being mindful of what I ate, but I examined my choices more closely. I’m a vegetarian and study Ayurveda, but I realized that I still have a lot of room for improvement regarding my habits. I also became more mindful about so many more areas of my life, like creativity and spirituality.


Christa Stauder

Saint Louis, Missouri


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I was working at a local hospital teaching yoga, childbirth, and breastfeeding classes. I also was self-employed as a doula. I worked part-time at Athleta as their community coordinator.


How did your life change after enrolling? 

I initially enrolled in IIN in 2018 following a divorce. As I began the modules, I was overcome with my own primary food and how much healing I needed to do. I would watch the lectures and find myself sobbing and paralyzed by my feelings. My marriage was unhealthy, and I just started over with three children. I was filled with emotion and fear. I also found myself enjoying my work but really unhappy with the organization I worked for. I got behind on my modules and realized I needed to step back and work on me. In 2019, I reenrolled in IIN. As I worked on my primary food, I realized how much I can help others. Putting myself first was and is the hardest thing I have done, yet the most important. I have found courage in “fitting out.”


Jaclyn Alterwein

Paramus, New Jersey


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

Prior to enrolling at IIN, I was – and still am – a group fitness instructor. I am a Lead CycleStar (cool title for indoor cycling instructor!) at CycleBar Montvale and a group fitness instructor at Equinox. Many of the members were already asking me if I was a life or health coach, which strongly influenced my decision to enroll at IIN. I am also a mom to two teenage boys who are my world! I am so fortunate to be able to do what I love every day!


How did your life change after enrolling?

I had heard that my own life would change, but I did not realize how much! Not only was I empowered by the tools to help others, I learned how to improve my own lifestyle, which I thought was already pretty darn healthy. Now, I value and get more sleep. I prioritize organic and non-GMO foods. I came to the realization that I was already consuming a plant-based diet – who knew?! I have learned how to be a better listener in my personal life. And I finally was able to get a hold of my sweet tooth. That is a huge accomplishment that I always dreaded. Now that I am empowered with knowledge, I have been able to make significant changes in my consumption of sweets.


Celeste Myburgh

Sandton, South Africa


What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

I work part-time as an admin/bookkeeping assistant at a bottle store two mornings a week.


How did your life change after enrolling?

The biggest realization for me was that no matter how well I ate, if the other areas in my life aren’t balanced I would not be healthy and happy. I healed an overactive thyroid by focusing on a few areas that were out of balance.


Shirley Young

Scituate, Massachusetts

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?

 I’ve been a serial entrepreneur since 1993 in high-tech business areas. I have also been a part-time ski instructor for 25 years. I have also been a Tai Chi practitioner for six years. I had and still have great interests in health and wellness. I read articles and listened to podcasts constantly.


How did your life change after enrolling? 

My life became more flexible as far as food went. I used to eat a very low-carb diet. Now, I am more in tune with my own body, eating whole foods and avoiding foods that my body is sensitive to. I am much more focused on the primary food, avoiding stress and building relationships.


Sharon Gavish Machulsky

Rockville, Maryland

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition? 

Prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition, I was working as an engineer at a pharmaceutical company and a product manager at the innovative medicine division. There, I believed I was best serving patients with the most adequate solutions for their health.


How did your life change after enrolling?

I can say that not only did my life change, but our life as a family has completely transformed. Our nutrition has changed. We raise our two little kids with greater consciousness to healthy foods, and we all moved to a plant-based whole-food diet.

 This has also impacted me on a personal level – developing a growth mind-set, building my inner resilience, and improving my listening and coaching skills. These have come from all the coaching training in the program as well as from working with individuals and groups as a Health Coach in my community.


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