4 Ways to Find Freedom This Summer
This Saturday marks Independence Day in the United States, but it’s actually a great time for everyone in the world to reclaim their own personal sense of freedom, including you.
By stepping into your freedom as a person living in 2015, you become a source of positive change.
When you set the example that we as humans are never truly blocked by circumstances and we can do whatever we choose, you inspire other people to take action to create the life of their dreams.
Do you want to be a source of inspiration for other people? Keep reading.
Here at Integrative Nutrition, I teach the concept of primary food – the things in your life that feed you on a deep level and have nothing to do with food: Career, relationships, exercise, and spirituality.
When your career is inspiring and exciting, your relationships nurturing and adventurous, your exercise fun and invigorating, and your spirituality aligned and centering, you will flourish in all areas of life and feel a true sense of freedom.
I teach the concept of primary food in depth in the IIN curriculum, and our graduates are changing the world by coaching their clients in this area.
You might be wondering, “How can I actually improve my primary food and reach deep satisfaction and happiness in my own life? It all sounds great, but what practical steps can I take to get there?”
Here are four simple and practical ways you can take action right away to feel more freedom, healthiness, and happiness:
1. In your career, have a meeting with whoever supervises you and tell them one thing you’re loving doing and one thing that doesn’t light you up so much. See if you can do more of what you love even a slightly larger percentage of the time, and you’ll feel more free and less shackled.
2. In the area of relationships, experiment with this awesome new thing called evolved online dating that was created by IIN graduates. It’s an amazing way to meet like-minded people. Plan a couple fun dates with new people, and go to places you’ve never been before.
If you’re already in a relationship, sit down with your partner and plan three dates to do something fun you’ve never done before. Maybe that means trying a new restaurant, going for a walk along a path you’ve never been on before, or something bigger like visiting a new country together. By going on adventures together you’ll feel more free and strengthen your bond.
3. Try a new form of exercise this summer. If you always go running, try something opposite like dancing or yoga. Or if you’re a hardcore yogi, try something like weight lifting or CrossFit. It’s really freeing to mix up your workout routine and gives you great physical and mental results.
4. If you’re religious, connect with more people in your area who have similar beliefs and go on an adventure together that has to do with your faith or other spirituality.
If you don’t consider yourself spiritual, experiment to find something that works for you. That might mean simply spending more time in nature, or developing a meditation practice. Choose what’s right for you and live each day feeling free.
Which of these practices will you experiment with today? How will it expand your freedom? Leave a comment below – I can’t wait to hear from you.
What if everyone in the world felt more freedom too? Wouldn't it be a better place? Use the tools on the left to spread the word!
Joshua Rosenthal, Founder, Director, and Primary Teacher of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition shares his wisdom about creating a healthy and happy life that helps transform the world.
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024