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Published: June 8, 2024

How IIN Helped Me Create My Dream Career, Featuring Kristie Peltier

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In addition to empowering our students to find ways of living and eating that make them feel like their happiest, healthiest selves, we provide the coaching, business-building tools, and knowledge to create a successful wellness career. In this series, you’ll hear from IIN students and graduates who share their inspiring stories about how IIN helped them realize the work their hearts were meant to pursue, from health coaching and beyond. These stories have the power to unite us in continuing our mission to spread the ripple effect of health and happiness, one Health Coach at a time.

Kristie Peltier is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and loving mother of two. She became a Health Coach to fulfill her desire to work with individuals to improve their health and family lives. This desire has been a big part of her life since she found herself facing many obstacles at one time. She turned to eating right, working out, and adopting other holistic approaches to get her life back on track. 

At IIN, Kristie received in-depth training in nutrition, health and wellness, coaching skills, and business development. Kristie is now a health analyst for Flairz Health. She is a speaker, leads workshops on nutrition, and offers individual health and nutrition coaching. You can find her at and on Instagram @Synergistic_health.

What were you doing prior to enrolling in IIN’s Health Coach Training Program?

“I have always been into health and wellness. Eating right and working out was part of my daily life – it had to be – as I was battling heart disease and a separate autoimmune disease, all while being a stay-at-home mom to two children.

“I was ready to take my efforts for health up a notch – this time not just for me, but for my kids and husband. After learning about IIN and the credibility of the school, there was no hesitation to become part of the community.

“I made it my life’s mission to help anyone and everyone who felt stuck like I did. I was able to overcome so much; I knew if I could share my life story, I could inspire others and help them become the best version of themselves.”

How did you come up with your brand name and coaching program? What makes it unique?

“My brand name did not take long to come up with. It was something I felt, and something I live by. Everything must work synergistically together in order for us to be at our optimal health. Synergistic Health was born not long after starting school. My coaching program is unique and caught a lot of attention, even from doctors. Do not be scared to tell people who you are and what you do; share your excitement!

“I start my program with stress recognition and mental awareness. After working on clients’ mind-sets, we move into movement/exercise and nutrition. If your mind is not in the right space, how are you going to be able to make the right exercise and nutrition choices for yourself? So, my program starts with mindfulness. This is what makes my program unique.”

Did you get opportunities to pivot your health coaching practice in a new direction?

“IIN gave me a solid foundation on which to build my new career. I was given the opportunity to pivot my coaching in a new direction with a company called Flairz Health. They subcontracted me out to be their lead health analyst. I am now working in corporate wellness, where I am able to help many people at once. This opportunity has been incredible. I stayed true to myself and led with my heart to give others hope and guidance to be their best.”

What inspires you about working in the health-technology space?

“I knew technology was going to be the new form of coaching – that is just the way the world is heading. As we continue to navigate this pandemic, technology is more important than ever. Using technology to coach opens so many doors to help a larger number of people at once. Technology also helps us work around everyone’s schedules. I had no idea working in the virtual world would have so many benefits.”

If you could give advice to your pre-IIN self, what would it be?

“If you can lead with a genuine heart while creating a business in health and wellness, all other things will follow, such as career, income, and true happiness. The biggest advice I would give to myself would be to be patient and continue to be true to myself.”

When it comes to pursuing a career in health and wellness with an IIN education, the possibilities are endless. The health coaching philosophy can be applied to any professional setting, which provides IIN graduates with incredible opportunities to get innovative in curating the type of career – and future – they’ve always dreamed of. Learn more about what makes our Health Coach Training Program the perfect choice for your health and wellness education by downloading our free Curriculum Guide today.

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