The Next Generation of Health Coaching Is Here
What does health look and feel like to you?
Consider all the different aspects of your life that impact your health, such as your career, relationships, environment, and mental well-being.
What would it mean to live with intention, purpose, and a deep understanding of yourself and your unique needs?
Consider how you show up for yourself and others and whether you’re living in alignment with what you truly believe and desire.
This may seem like a strange way to start a blog post, but stay with us...
Did you take a deep breath while you were thinking about your answers? Did it make you feel something like a pang of anticipation or like you were becoming part of something bigger than yourself?
This is the mind-body-soul connection that can empower you to take control of your health and your life while also inspiring you to want to share your experience with others. A Health Coach harnesses and embodies this connection to transform their own lives and the lives of their friends, family, and community.
And the education a Health Coach can receive, to learn how to tap into this connection, just got even more transformative...
The next generation of health coaching is here.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition has been training Health Coaches for 30 years. In celebration of our 30th anniversary and the evolution of the health coaching profession, IIN is launching our evolved and reimagined Health Coach Training Program, complete with new teachers; new curriculum content; and a brand-new, innovative learning experience to better support your personal and professional goals.
As the wellness field innovates, so do we! Our new coaching program is training for life, for the next generation of wellness seekers who have a desire to become the best versions of themselves and change the health of the world.
New teachers
IIN takes an integrated and holistic approach, which means offering a diverse range of perspectives in health and wellness that will empower you to find the ways of eating, living, and working that enable you to thrive.
The Health Coach Training Program has always incorporated the teachings of renowned experts in a variety of holistic health fields, from functional-medicine doctors and nutrition professionals to business innovators and spiritual leaders.
In our new coaching program, we’ve tapped into even more of the best and brightest minds in wellness, creating a visiting faculty of more than 95 doctors, researchers, authors, speakers, business leaders, and coaches. Through content exclusive to IIN, they’ll cover the major pillars of wellness: nutrition, physical health, mental and emotional health, spirituality, primary food, coaching, and business.
You’ll gain an inspiring and comprehensive wellness and coaching education that you can apply to any and all areas of your life. Hear from some of our renowned visiting faculty:
New curriculum content
IIN is dual licensed as a vocational school, which means the curriculum is held to the highest standards and is rigorously reviewed on a regular basis. IIN has gone above and beyond, transforming the curriculum with the help of leading educators and coaches to ensure student and graduate success.
Our branded IINtegrative Coaching MethodTM, which is taught through lectures, downloadable materials, and live coaching sessions with a professional Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, will set you apart from other Health Coaches and help you understand and practice the art and science of coaching. You will tap into your purpose and express your bio-individual point of view by learning and applying this signature approach to your life and then be able to apply it in your career, whether you create your own coaching business or embark on another career path.
The curriculum has also been reimagined, with new tools and resources that will enhance your experience and bring your education to life:
- Dive deep into the science behind complex wellness concepts and expand your knowledge with Science Spotlights.
- Understand the value of mindful presence, awareness, and focus in your life and in your coaching career with Somatic Moments.
- Engage with interactive tools that allow every type of learner to feel supported on their journey to mastering certain health topics.
- Customize your education by selecting content that meets your needs with personal transformation and professional development learning pathways. Learn how to create a career in wellness with expanded business content as well as how to completely transform your health with guidance from renowned experts. You can also choose to pursue both pathways!
New IIN Learning Center app
IIN pioneered the field of health coaching, and we were one of the first online schools of its kind – we also moved our training online before any other health coaching school. We continue to innovate in the space with our state-of-the-art IIN Learning Center, which is also available as a mobile app.
Learn anytime, anywhere, and on any device – the IIN Learning Center syncs across all browsers and devices and will provide you with ultimate flexibility to fit your busy lifestyle. The Health Coach Training Program curriculum and app were built with the adult learner in mind: Listen to lectures while you’re cooking dinner for your family; read handouts while you’re on your commute; join live coaching sessions right from the app, without any extra downloads!
We empower you to make the most of your online education.
The new coaching program starts with you.
In the program, you’ll learn that you are your first client. Your transformation will positively impact how you connect with those around you, from your immediate circle of family and friends to the community at large. One pebble has the potential to create infinite ripples in the water. You are the pebble with infinite potential to spark real, meaningful change for yourself and others. Start living a life you love today.
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024