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Is the ...
Published: June 8, 2024

Is the Medical Monopoly Making You Sick and Fat?

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What if the people who were supposed to make you feel better were actually harming your health and making you sick? 

Iatrogenic death and disease is the 3rd most fatal cause of the death in the United States. Don’t even know what iatrogenic means? Not surprising. 

Iatrogenic means that a death or disease is caused by medical mistakes – whether from medication or an operation. For example, an iatrogenic illness is one that’s caused by a doctor or a particular medication, and an accident or death that happens during surgery is iatrogenic. 

We are at the forefront of creating a revolution in the healthcare system by getting Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches out there helping people, and not a minute too soon, as the existing system is unspeakably flawed. 

MDs and RDs have created a monopoly for themselves and this has cost people their health, and sometimes their lives. These monopolies are similar to the monopoly that is the post office or Amtrak – they become stale, outdated, and ineffective. 

Don’t get me wrong, doctors perform lifesaving operations, but what most don’t do is facilitate prevention – what people actually need to get and stay healthy.

That’s where Integrative Nutrition graduates come in. They guide clients in creating lifestyles that lead to ultimate health and wellness, applying tools that actually work and leaving emergencies and surgeries to the medical system. 

The term Health Coach is now widespread and rampantly misused, so it’s important we maintain unified cohesion and that all IIN graduates use the title Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Our Health Coaches stand for strength and integrity; the title sets us apart from everyone else out there. 

In addition to all that, in the United States there are recommended national certification standards that are beginning to get traction. I am deeply involved in accelerating this process and assuring that our graduates stay at the front of this emerging profession. 

We created a revolution and now are at the forefront of a huge wave that's coming to replace the existing medical monopoly. 

Are you IIN

What’s your experience with the medical system? And with Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches? Are you thinking about joining us? Call today to enroll at (877) 730-5444. 

What if the world knew about this too? Wouldn't it be a better place? Use the social tools to spread the word!  

Joshua Rosenthal, Founder, Director, and Primary Teacher of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition shares his wisdom about creating a healthy and happy life that helps transform the world.

June 8, 2024

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