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Integrative Nutrition

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, Americans nationwide will gather around their dinner tables and give thanks for all that they are grateful for. While this is a holiday that revolves around appreciating what you have in life, it’s also centered around food and overeating.

From turkeys that weigh over 20 pounds to stuffing, marshmallow-sweet-potato-casseroles, and apple and pumpkin pies it’s hard to not want it all.  After dinner and the next day most people will complain about how stuffed they are. It’s part of the Thanksgiving tradition.

Many people run themselves down with hours of cooking, preparing for a party, and eating too much. What’s fun about that?

On the day before Thanksgiving take the time to slow down even if everything isn’t perfect. If there are still a lot of things to do, find people in your life who can support you and delegate tasks to them. They will be happy to help.

When you are around the dinner table consciously chew and enjoy your food. Savor the different flavors and appreciate the time and the love that went into preparing the dish. Be present with your family and friends. When you are engaging in conversation, put your fork down and generously listen.

And finally, let us know what you are thankful for.

From the Integrative Nutrition family, we are thankful for all of our students and graduates for the work that they do and sharing our mission to create health and happiness in America.

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