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Published: June 8, 2024

The IINsider’s Digest: Dirtying Up Our Diets, Why “Not Having Time to Cook” is a “Big Lie”, and more...

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Are you an avid user of hand-sanitizer? Do you look at dirt-covered produce with disgust? Jeff D. Leach argues our germ-phobia may be hindering our health, and increasing allergic and autoimmune disorders. (New York Times)

Food historian Laura Shapiro challenges the notion that we "don't have time to cook", arguing that it’s the intimidation of learning to cook that truly slows us down. (Gourmet)

Marion Nestle reviews GMO Myths and Truths, a new book analyzing claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified (GM) foods. (The Atlantic)

The American Medical Association – the nation’s largest physicians group – announced this week that it supports legislation requiring obesity education in schools. (Huffington Post)

Have you ever wondered why certain people stick to exercise plans long-term, while others always seem to backslide? Researchers are finding those who stick with exercise do it for the "feeling" - the energy or boost in mood - associated with physical activity. (New York Times)

Eating disorders aren't just a problem for teens and young women. Many women over 50 grapple with issues related to body image and food, a new study finds. (NPR)

We all know that portion sizes have increased exponentially, but how does this "new normal" actually affect our eating habits? (WebMD)

Are you always one to “pass on the salad dressing”? Researchers reveal that certain salad dressings can actually maximize our ability to absorb vegetables' nutrients. (LA Times)

Integrative Nutrition graduate Joleen Allen has worked in healthcare for over 15 years, working as an LPN and even started pursuing her RN. Yet her passion for the issues surrounding nutrition and wellness led her down a different career path, and straight to IIN. (Redwood Gazette)


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