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What the IIN ...
Published: June 8, 2024

What the IIN Community is Really All About

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Before I became a Health Coach, I had doubts about whether a career in holistic wellness was “practical” and whether I was truly cut out for this work. But after years of working in a corporate job I could no longer tolerate, I was ready to take a chance and follow my heart.

I enrolled at IIN in 2011, and since then my life has changed in many ways. Now, I truly thrive. It’s not only because I am aligned with IIN’s mission to create a positive impact on global health, or because my own personal health has dramatically improved, but because I get the privilege of connecting directly with the incredible students and graduates who make up the IIN community. They are the ones who continually inspire me and remind me that anything is possible. They are the ones who make the IIN experience truly unique and special.

So in case you’re uncertain whether IIN is right for you, here are some qualities of the people you’ll meet here:


Whether it’s from a personal need to overcome illness, or out of sheer frustration and knowledge that humanity deserves better health, the IIN crowd is incredibly passionate about our beliefs. We are all on the same side of a powerful growing movement for change and we’re ready to do everything we can, in our own way, big or small, to co-create a better world.


Despite major obstacles to making wellness and prevention a mainstream way of life, the IIN community is appreciative of every victory along the way. We’re vocal about being happy for what we’ve got and for how far the wellness movement has already come. At the root of it all, we know that it’s our family, friends, and enjoying the little things in life that fulfills our deepest desires, and for that we are always thankful.


IIN students and graduates are not the sort to wait around for opportunities to fall into their laps or for circumstances to align just so before taking action. We have a world-changer point of view! We set powerful intentions and stay focused until we reach our goals. Sure, we experience setbacks along the way, but we ask for help, try again, and propel ourselves to continue learning and growing, setting new goals after we’ve achieved old ones.


The IIN community is incredibly heart-centered and loving. I’ve seen deeply personal struggles shared in the hopes that others can have a better experience, joyous celebration of each other’s achievements, and lasting friendships formed. Perhaps most importantly, students learn that loving themselves is one of the best ways to gain personal strength and be there for others.


As Health Coaches, members of the IIN community learn to pull but never push clients, friends, or family. Rather than dictating what anyone should do to live healthier and happier lives, we listen attentively, offer our experience and knowledge, and ask high mileage questions so that healing can come from within.  At IIN, we genuinely want the ultimate happiness for everyone around us, whether that means you eat kale and quinoa or not!

Which of these qualities resonate with you? Do you have a community where you feel you belong?


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