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3 Ways to ...
Published: June 8, 2024

3 Ways to Grow Your Business by Reaching Out to Others

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The truth is, being a new entrepreneur can be lonely at times; especially if you work from home. You want to collaborate, share ideas, and explore concepts for your business but your peers, family, and friends are busy with their own workdays.

The good news is that this doesn’t have to stifle the growth of your business in any way.

Here are three BIG tips on how to get out there, share your ideas and dreams, and get feedback that will make all the difference to your lifestyle and your biz.

1. Join or create a mastermind group.
Masterminds are groups of people who share a similar goal or point of reference; like wellness-based coaching, online entrepreneurs, or even target markets. The important requirements are that you all have something to share and something to learn. You can join a mastermind group that your mentor is organizing, which may be costly, or you can create your own. Use your meetings to bounce ideas off of one another, share your latest failures and successes, and ask for advice in an area you might need support.

One of the best masterminds I've belonged to was with a group of online entrepreneurs. The group leader invited six of us who were all in a similar place in our businesses. There was no fee involved and we met every two weeks for more than a year. We still keep in touch to support and share when needed.

2. Find a coach you resonate with.
If you find a marketing, business, or lifestyle coach or mentor to connect with, it may also help to get in touch with colleagues who have similar business goals. If you’re more of an introvert, you can join a Facebook group or online community with other entrepreneurs like yourself. Many coaches also offer reasonably priced small-group programs or live events. Anyone who hires a big-time coach will tell you that the lasting benefit is the people they meet through their mentor.

3. Attend live events.
Attend local business and networking events to meet members of your community.  If your goal is to rock an international web-based business, you may want to travel to the closest urban center for some big coaching events or live summits hosted by national networking organizations. You can also join women's groups, business or speaking groups, or events coordinated by a coach you admire.

Whether you're an extrovert or introvert, you need other people when it comes to growing your business. Get creative and reach out today!

Holli Thompson, IIN class of 2009, is the creator of Nutritional Style, a global health and nutrition lifestyle movement. She is an author with a book coming out in 2014, a speaker, and a TV guest for several major networks. Connect with Holli on her website and on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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