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5 Ways to ...
Published: June 8, 2024

5 Ways to Detox Every Aspect of Your Life For Fall

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The beginning of fall always seems to signal a fresh start. Even if it’s been years since you last experienced the first day of school, the arrival of September feels like a turning of the page in a new chapter. By starting the season right through cleansing and de-cluttering every aspect of your life, you’ll feel lighter, focused, and ready to take on the rest of the year!

Here are 5 ways to detox your life, just in time for Fall:

Your home
There’s a reason that Marie Kondo’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” is a hit—it seriously works! Cleaning up your physical space clears your mental head space, too. Research shows that messy, disorganized living spaces can increase anxiety levels and decrease productivity. Not good!

You can do a really deep clean a là Kondo—which involves going through all of your belongings, setting aside the things that give you true “joy,” and getting rid of the rest—or if you’d prefer, do a literal clean. Use this all-natural DIY cleaning solution below to give your home the organic treatment it deserves. It works on tile, laminate, and marble, and smells incredible!

  • ¾ cup of water
  • ¼ cup rubbing alcohol
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • ½ teaspoon liquid castile soap

Add all ingredients to a spray bottle and shake to combine. Spritz the affected area and wipe clean with recycled paper towel or microfiber cloth.

Your work
September is a wonderful time to revisit the goals you set for yourself in the beginning of the year. It might have been a while since you last checked them, and I’ll bet that you’re pleasantly surprised when you see how much you’re done already!

If you’re not any closer to the goals that you created for yourself, it’s time to get focused and decide if they’re still important to you. Here’s the thing: It’s OK if your goals have changed and evolved—that means you have, too. Just be sure to write a new set of goals out to give yourself something to work towards. 

Your inbox
We get an average of 120 emails a day—but only open about 30 percent of them. That’s a lot of spam. And it’s messing with your productivity. Researchers say that every time we step away from a task to check or answer email, it takes at least 15 minutes to get back into an efficient workflow. Do yourself a favor and unsubscribe from those messages that you constantly find yourself deleting. You can also try different services like or to help you get rid of the stuff you don’t need quickly and easily.

Your habits
Summer is coming to a close. It’s a notoriously lazy time of year—lounging, relaxing, and three-day-weekends are plentiful. All of this R&R is certainly nice, but can make even the most disciplined person throw their routine out the window.

Take stock of where you’re spending your time on a daily basis. You can write it in a spreadsheet, or an hourly calendar, to start documenting how much time you spend on everything you do in your life, including work, self-care, commuting, reading, exercising and cooking. Once you figure out how much time you’re spending on specific tasks, it’s up to you to decide if you’re using your time wisely and adjust accordingly.  

Your diet
The autumn produce you’ll find at the farmers’ market is magnificent—pumpkin, squash, and herbs are so bountiful. Exploring seasonal fruits and veggies is the perfect way to reset and cleanse your diet. Try eating light, plant-based meals for a week, or even using an elimination diet to crowd out cravings. Need a little help? Connect with an IIN Health Coach who can help you get back on track and the best way of eating that works for your body and supports your goals, leaving you feeling even better than ever!  

What’s your favorite way of detoxing for a new season? Share in the comments below!

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