How to Give Yourself the Priceless Gift of Wellness
As the holidays draw near, many of us are thinking about the perfect gifts for our loved ones. We look for things that can be wrapped neatly in a box, and eagerly anticipate what treasures we might be surprised with ourselves. But after all the wrapping has been swept up and we’ve returned to our usual routines, how often do these gifts really make an impact in our lives?
If you pause to think about what really matters, it’s not the latest tech gadget, cozy socks, or even kitchen appliance, it’s how we move through the world. When we can do this healthfully, happily, and with purpose, there’s far less need for things because we’re satisfied on a much deeper level.
But how can you get such a gift? Give it to yourself, of course!
The gift of wellness is one that will keep on giving, and positively affect all those around you, but it begins with self-care.
How you do that will be through means as unique as you are, because there’s no single way to be well that applies to everyone. That’s what bio-individuality is all about.
Deep down you likely know what form of wellness is most needed in your life.
Perhaps it’s dietary because you’ve been busy and haven’t put in as much effort into cooking lately. Or maybe it’s by getting more sleep because you’ve noticed that those 6.5 hours per night just aren’t enough. It could be acknowledging that there’s too much on your plate and you’re burned out, or starting to meditate to lower your stress and emotional reactions.
Keep in mind that a lack of wellness can apply to any area of life that feels out of balance or draining. Your relationships, career, environment, or activities are all worth reviewing to assess what feels unwell in some way.
Then comes the hardest part. Doing something about it.
When we look at making changes as a chore, something we have to do for this or that reason, we usually get lackluster results. The motivation has to come from within. It has to start with taking a good hard look at ourselves and realizing that we want to do better. If you can get past that point of pained honesty, the actual shift will unfold naturally.
Once you’ve got the momentum of desiring wellness, create a realistic wellness plan for yourself, or find a Health Coach to help. What will you do more or less of? What new habits will you seek to form? Who will you reach out to for support?
Giving yourself the gift of wellness is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Decide to do it.
2. Address your biggest obstacle, and think creatively about how to get well with it. Use Google if you have to, it’s full of modern wisdom!
3. Connect with others who will support you, or who are doing a similar thing.
Wellness isn’t just a goal unto itself, it’s something that allows you live a life of joy and freedom, and feel your absolute best while doing it. And that’s a gift that’ll never fit into a box!
How do you plan to give yourself the gift of wellness in the New Year? Share in the comments below.
Check out our Curriculum Guide or join an Info Session to learn how Integrative Nutrition can help you give yourself the gift of wellness in the new year.
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024