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Top 5 Detox ...
Published: June 8, 2024

Top 5 Detox Foods to Eat During the Summer

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There’s nothing better than a summertime gathering with friends and loved ones.  Picture it: You’ve spent all Saturday afternoon circling the grill, playing games, and maybe swimming in the pool. And as the sun finally sets, your crew crowds around the fire to talk, laugh, and connect. 

Sounds like the perfect summer night, right? That is, until you wake up the next morning feeling bloated, puffy, and tired. One too many hotdogs? Overdid it on the sangria? Even the most health conscious among us can go a little crazy  on the snacks and drinks during the summer months, especially when we’re having fun with the people we care about. 

Thankfully, you can kind of have your cake and eat it, too. It’s OK to indulge a little in the foods you love, as long as you know how to get your body back on track. One of the best ways to help your body feel like it’s working at an optimal level is to support its natural detoxification. Your organs are already incredibly well-suited for detoxing things like heavy metals, pathogens, and other deleterious compounds  from its system. But sometimes—especially when it’s overloaded and working overtime—your body can use a little bit of detox support.

These five foods are all wonderful for tonifying the body during the summer months.  Not only will eating them regularly help you feel energized and clear, you’ll also notice that side effects of chronic inflammation caused by toxins will disappear. For many people, common side effects are bloating, indigestion, and weight gain—so in a sense, these are “flat tummy” foods, too!

  1. Beets 
    The root veggie is available year round, but be sure to grab a few at the farmers market before you next cook out. Beets support healthy liver function, and help it filter out toxins all thanks to something called betaine. This compound, unique to raw beetroot, encourages the liver to cleanse itself and promotes healthy bile production. Try wrapping beets in foil and throwing them on the grill next time you BBQ!
  2. Grapefruit
    Juicy, sweet, tart, and satisfyingly summer-y, grapefruits are good to keep on hand the morning after a heavy meal. The antioxidants in the citrus fruit protect cells from free radical damage,  but grapefruit is also very high in fiber. Fiber acts like a broom for your digestive system, sweeping out the gut and intestines until everything is clean and good as new.
  3. Dandelion Root Iced Tea
    Not exactly something you can snack on, but still an excellent detoxifying ingredient to have in your pantry! Dandelion Root promotes the production of bile in the liver, meaning it helps your liver breakdown and cleanse your internal organs. Make a big batch and sip on this stuff the morning after a night out.
  4. Asparagus
    According the Journal of Food Science, the amino acids and minerals found in asparagus protect liver cells! Because so much of the body’s tonifying happens in the liver, it’s important to support this important organ however possible.
  5. Avocado
    Next time you’re feeling a little woozy after one too many skinny margaritas, whip up some avocado toast. A study published in The Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry found that of all fruits, avocado has the most liver-friendly benefits. It’s even able to reverse liver cell damage!

How are you going to detox this summer season? Share with us below!

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