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Published: June 8, 2024

How IIN Staffers Are Staying Healthy During COVID-19

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As a wellness company, we’re committed to helping people around the world get happier and healthier – not just for themselves but for their families, friends, and loved ones for generations to come.

We believe in the power of education and that by learning what your body, mind, and spirit need to thrive (which looks different for everyone!), you can heal yourself while preventing certain ailments or illnesses at the same time.

We also believe in the power of primary and secondary food, which can nourish and fulfill you more than just food alone. By eating well, exercising regularly, connecting with others, and having a career you’re passionate about, you’ll achieve greater balance, boost your mood, and enhance both your health and life.

Now more than ever, we’re looking for ways to take care of our whole self – mentally, physically, and emotionally. We are no longer going to our favorite exercise class, grabbing lattes with friends at local coffee shops, or even visiting family members. And as COVID-19 impacts people around the globe, we need to remain safe and secure while practicing habits that promote immunity.

While you may currently be bombarded with stress-inducing headlines and advice on how to stay healthy, IIN visiting teacher Mark Hyman helps break down simple ways you can protect yourself through diet and lifestyle.

Here are a few of our favorite things he touches on:

  • Eat whole nutrient-dense foods, including almonds, avocado, blueberries, dark leafy greens, eggs, mushrooms, and salmon. These foods will not only help you maintain a balanced weight but also keep you full longer, which makes you less likely to give into cravings throughout the day. 
  • Reduce sugar and refined carbs, meaning less energy drinks, soda, white bread, and pasta. These foods may give you a burst of energy and satisfy you at first, but you’re more likely to crash later on.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough protein from plant-based (like beans, nuts, and tofu) or animal-based (like lean meats and fish) foods. Protein is an essential macronutrient and should be a staple of your daily diet.
  • Use more spices by incorporating garlic, ginger, onion, and turmeric in your home-cooked soups and salads. Spices may be small, but they’re mighty in terms of healing powers!
  • Load up on fruits and veggies by adding them to every meal. Have a green smoothie for breakfast, choose a salad at lunch, and opt for healthier snacks throughout the day. Celery with hummus and an apple with peanut butter are two balanced snacks that never get old!
  • Eat more fermented foods since they’re good for your gut and overall health and have a longer shelf life! Try kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut, just to name a few.
  • Drink plenty of fluids by making it a habit to have a glass of water with you throughout your day. Be mindful of your caffeine intake, and don’t forget that much of your daily water needs are met through food, too (hello, fruits and broths!).
  • Get a good night’s sleep so you’re well-rested and have more energy throughout the day! Power down electronic devices, get in bed 30 minutes earlier, or give yourself more time in the morning. Since most of us are working from home and no longer commuting, we should be getting more sleep than ever!
  • Exercise often by getting in 30–45 minutes a day. There is an abundance of online apps for you to follow to make this as simple and convenient as possible!
  • Practice meditation and yoga while you have a little extra time to prioritize your mental, physical, and emotional health.
  • Start growing some of your own food if you have a garden or backyard with space that allows you to do so!

These are just a few immunity-boosting tips that you can integrate into your daily routine! Even more, because our community is at the heart of everything we do, we want to share what IIN staffers are doing to stay healthy with the hope that one (or more!) will inspire you as you navigate these difficult times. Like many of us at IIN, your personal and professional lives may have collided, and at times, you may be overwhelmed by how quickly life has changed. But it’s important to remember you’re not alone.

Here are a few ways IIN staffers are staying grounded, fit, connected, positive, healthy, and happy at home:

“I read the news, view WHO and CDC only 1x a day (in the morning). I am posting a positive comment or something I am grateful for every day. Meditate. Move my body. Make room for laughter. Keep a routine. Stay connected with friends and family (FaceTime, Marco Polo app).” -Nora, Education

“I’m playing outside with my kids. Being playful relieves stress and nobody does it better than kids. Plus, we stay connected when we’re doing something fun together.” -Marco, Legal

“I've been making an effort to journal and write down what I'm grateful for at least every other day. We've also been listening to lots of music and having dance parties to get out the anxiety and cabin fever. And last but not least, coloring has been a life saver because it really allows me to unwind and clear my mind – my kind of meditation if you will!” -Anne, Student Success

“I’m hosting online group wellness coaching sessions and webinars for my clients; reading uplifting books on spirituality, health, and mind-set; getting in at-home workouts; meditating more; and practicing presence.” -Zack, Admissions 


“Waking up early (before my family) for my morning routine sets the stage for my whole day and helps me feel calm, grounded, and connected. I've started using the Melissa Wood fitness app, followed by a meditation, writing in my morning journal, and listening to words of encouragement from Gabby Bernstein’s Instagram. I'm using my essential oils, and I step outside to watch the sunrise (barefoot for grounding). It’s important to me to have some time to myself to reflect and connect to nature.” -Jen, Admissions

“Dance parties! I listen to music while working from home, and when one of my favorites comes on, I get up and dance. It’s a primary food win-win-win – the song brings me joy, the interruption is a quick mind-set break, and the movement counts as physical activity! Music is powerful – embrace it!” -Wendy, Education

“I'm very fortunate to have my partner working from home alongside me. Each day, we set aside time to cook lunch and eat together, without our phones or computers. It's been a nice treat to share a meal with him during the day – something we don't typically do when working at our respective offices.” -Rachael, Marketing

Workday: starting the day with yoga (using and nourishing breakfast, trying to get outside during lunch, and making time for meals and snacks throughout the day; igeneral: connecting with family and friends (phone calls and video chat versus texting!), avoiding most social media, reading before bed, and using this as an opportunity to tune in and enjoy the slower pace.” -Jamie, Education

I have been really focused on eating well and boosting my immunity. I've also been FaceTiming and texting with my adult children, the rest of my family, and friends. I find that staying in close contact with them helps me feel better. I also get outside and move and breathe the fresh air every day and meditate to soothe my nervous system. I'm also practicing social distancing and staying home. In this time of so little control, it helps me to know I'm doing what I can to help stem the tide of the virus. -Joline, Education

“For me, trying to do a little bit of everything makes it easier to look forward to each day and stay positive! 1. Working remotely has given me plenty of time to work out each day, mixing it up with online Pilates videos, dance workouts, yoga, and more. 2. I've been cooking a lot more, experimenting with new recipes that make use of a variety of fresh ingredients and coming up with creative ways to use leftovers. 3. I try to write in my gratitude journal daily  times like this are a reminder that circumstances could be a lot worse, and there's plenty to appreciate now. 4. And of course, sharing laughs with friends and family through calls and voice notes helps to feel connected!” -Samvida, Marketing 

We’re all in this together, and we’ll get through it together. We hope you continue to stay healthy and safe!

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