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Four Skin ...
Published: June 8, 2024

Four Skin Tips for the Summer Season

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Heat waves are becoming a regular occurrence worldwide, and our skin is the first line of defense against UV rays, high temperatures, and occasional poor air quality. We already know we have to wear sunscreen and do our best to cover up from the sun, but there are other ways to give our skin some extra love during the summer season.


Winter isn’t the only season to keep our skin hydrated. Our skin is likely to lose moisture in hot and dry climates as well as humid climates. Spending time in air conditioning and taking frequent showers can also dry out the skin. Keep the skin well hydrated by increasing water intake, eating more water-rich fruits and vegetables and applying a lightweight (but hydrating) moisturizer after showering. Be sure to pick a moisturizer with natural ingredients, like coconut oil or aloe vera, or make your own at home!

Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

With simple, at-home tools, you can reap the benefits of a professional facial without breaking the bank. Set some time aside once a week to give your skin that summer glow. For an easy, at-home facial, start by using a cleansing brush to wash your face. These devices typically work better than your hands at removing makeup and clearing the dirt and oil off your skin. Next, exfoliate! A little brown sugar mixed with honey can go a long way. Follow the exfoliation with a facial steam bath (extra points for using essential oils), a DIY face mask, and moisturizer!

Choose Cooling Foods

During the summer season, we intuitively gravitate toward fresh, cooling foods. According to the ancient Indian healing tradition of Ayurveda, summer is associated with the fire sign, Pitta. Mother Nature doesn’t just affect us internally; it can also aggravate our skin. Foods like cucumbers, grapes, watermelon, and fennel are great options for cooling off and avoiding unwanted breakouts and rashes.

Change Your Bedsheets More Often

A good rule of thumb is to wash your bed sheets at least twice a month, but during the hot, summer months, you should consider doing it more often. We shed thousands of skin cells when our bodies make contact with the sheets, and when the temperatures are high, sweat and oils can create more unwanted bacteria. To keep your skin clean and prevent bacterial infections, give those sheets an extra wash!

The Bottom Line

Just like your wardrobe, your skincare routine should change with the seasons. What benefits your skin in the cold months may not work in the heat of summer, so be sure to adjust accordingly. A summer-friendly skincare routine will help to keep your skin healthy all year long.


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