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Published: June 8, 2024

How Health Coach & Herbalist Gillian Rader Teaches Deep Healing

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One of the coolest things about Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches is the variety of interests they incorporate into their practices. One example? Gillian Rader, a 2010 graduate from Brooklyn, New York! As an Herbalist, she introduces her clients to a new method of healing they may never have considered before.

Gillian had just started getting into nutrition when she found IIN and has since created new friendships, deepened her knowledge, and launched an amazing career. Read more below about which teachers inspired her and what she’s up to now.

Q: What were you doing prior to enrolling at IIN?

A: Before enrolling in the program I was completing a year of teaching after graduating from college, and decided that I wanted to pursue my passion for health and wellness.

Q: What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?

A: I knew I wanted to get into the nutrition field, but traditional dietetics and nutrition programs didn't align with my beliefs around healing.

Q: How did your life change after enrolling?

A: After enrolling in the last live program, my life changed dramatically! I began making changes to my own life as I started mirroring what I was learning in the program. I met two of my greatest friends, as well as a huge community of people who believe in changing the world by changing the way we eat. This was hugely empowering and continues to be a driving force behind continuing to share our vision with the world.

Q: Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?

A: Bernie Siegel had a huge impact on me. He connects the mind, body, and spirit to his work and was able to present his findings to us in a way that was clear and concise. He reminds us that healing is more than just eating the right food, it's also the thoughts we have and the relationships we have, which all factor into creating the best life possible.

Mark Hyman also had a huge impact on me because he promotes a whole foods-based way of eating while incorporating traditional healing modalities into his practice like herbalism, meditation, and breath work. As an herbalist, backing from an MD is huge because he helps bring awareness to the masses that other healing modalities are safe, necessary, and important.

Q: What are you doing now?

A: I work as a Health Coach privately in addition to working with a Holistic Chiropractor. I work with his nutrition patients on their protocols, which are all dietary and herbal based. Being able to reach clients who have been through the Western medical system and had limited results is so rewarding. Their results are often dramatic and profound in very short periods of time. Seeing clients who are able to get off medication after 10 years by simply changing their diet and introducing the right herbal products is an incredible gift and affirmation of the importance of this work for the world.

In addition to my career as a Health Coach, I have my own herbal line of healing products and teach private yoga sessions to accelerate my client's healing process.

Q: What makes you and your practice unique?

A: Being able to work with people who have exhausted what they think are all of their options means that when they eventually get to me, they are tired and often, discouraged. They have paid tons of money, lost valuable time, and are no better off than when they started seeking to make changes to their health. What I am able to offer them is a chance to be heard and actively participate in their healing protocol. I create the roadmap for their journey and modify it based on their individual needs so they are able to notice results and create lasting changes. People are often lacking in other areas of their lives, and this is where the correct herbs and exercise can be introduced for optimal results.

Q: What do you love about your work?

A: I absolutely love being able to get people excited about life again. People feel like they've tried everything and are still suffering from the same ailments, then suddenly notice that after working together they have more energy, their aches and pains are gone, they've lost weight, and their hormones are under control. This makes the work worth it!

Is there a need for Health Coaches where you live?

A: Yes! There is a need for health coaches, everywhere!



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