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Published: June 8, 2024

IIN Advanced Business Course Feature: Winners of the August 2020 Class

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Do you dream of being a successful Health Coach? Can you envision running your own full-time or part-time coaching practice? How about making your own schedule, creating financial freedom, and changing the world through your work?

The IIN Advanced Business Course has helped thousands of students make this dream a reality! This course is specifically designed to address the unique goals, needs, and concerns of Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches.

In the IIN Advanced Business Course, we provide Health Coaches with the skills, tools, and action-based steps they need to help them take their business to the next level and get results. We teach strategies for success in website creation, networking, social media marketing, coaching program development, brand development, and creating systems for success. Additionally, the course includes done-for-you programs and business resources as well as plenty of personalized mentoring and support.

To honor our most successful coaches in the Business Course, we offer students the opportunity to enter the IIN Advanced Business Course Top 3 Contest for a chance to win full tuition reimbursement and/or recognition as a top-performing student. To win the contest, students must demonstrate how their practice has grown as a result of the IIN Advanced Business Course.

If you’re interested, join the priority list for more information and to find out when the next course opens for enrollment!

We are happy to announce the winners of the IIN Advanced Business Course Top 3 Contest for the August 2020 class!

Lipton Lee

Lipton Lee

My target market is both men and women ages 40 and up who are interested in creating a lasting lifestyle change.

The knowledge I gained from this course taught me that what I knew about marketing has changed tremendously, and the new format has propelled my much-needed marketing skills forward. I learned how to access and engage a target market rather than approaching everyone. I’ve been using these new tools for a few months now, and I’ve been successful with my efforts.

Roxi and Marissa in the Facebook group have kept me on my toes and challenged my skills, which I am extremely grateful for. They were my accountability partners. Thank you so much for your invaluable support!



Instagram: @brijade_fit

Mary Moser Zempolich “Monarch Mary”

Mary Zempolich

My target market is supporting women 40 years and older who have a history of breast cancer (or are at high risk for developing breast cancer) to have optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health/wellness by balancing primary and secondary food.

As a caveat, I am an oncology PA who has been in the allopathic healthcare system for over three decades. I am not the same practitioner I was even one year ago. I hate to admit that I didn't have the tools to help my cancer patients take back control of their health and lives along with following their treatment protocols. I am now able to help not only my health coaching clients but my cancer patients understand their role in optimizing their health outcomes. I have seen them become more confident and less fearful, make better choices, and have more joy in life as a result. This is why I remain in my oncology practice to educate and empower as many women and men that I can about the power they have to optimize their health outcomes.

When I began the Advanced Business Course, I had graduated from IIN's Health Coach Training Program, was completing the IIN Gut Health Course, and was stuck in learning without consistent application of the knowledge I had learned.

I had no paying clients, was dabbling in coaching with coworkers and a couple of friends, and was scared to death to actually charge for my services. I also had the limiting belief that I was not enough or not good enough. This course helped me overcome my imposter syndrome and gave me the tools and support to have a busy part-time health coaching business: Monarch Vitality, LLC.

I realized that with my IIN education, passion to serve women with cancer, and support from my classmates and knowledgeable and kind mentors (Roxi and Marissa), I have more than 10 one-on-one clients, have utilized, and have educated and helped my Monarch Vitality FB community with several educational email series. I’m an active member of Toastmasters, and I’m excelling at public speaking (which had been a huge roadblock for me).

I’ve been a guest speaker for breast cancer awareness conferences and created an online Facebook video series on stress and sleep issues. I’m actively working on a mastermind on stress and nutrition, and I’m on the trajectory to make this a full-time business in the next three years. I have achieved more over the past year than I ever thought possible, and I owe it all to the excellent content and modules in this course, the mentors, and my peers within the active community Facebook page.


Sheila Fernandes

Sheila Fernandes

My target market is the everyday, on-the-go person who experiences constant stress. I help them improve their nutrition, career, finances, social life, home cooking, and overall health.

The Advanced Business Course gave me the confidence to approach potential clients and finally book my first paying client. It helped me with everything I needed to get my health coaching business up and running – from how to market myself to how to make my website look professional.

This program teaches you countless things – these are just a few!


Instagram: @Sheilafernandes.inhc

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