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Why IIN Invests in Health Coach Advocacy

It was an absolute pleasure to be part of another Health Coach Day, an event started a few years ago as IIN knew how important it was to let the world know about Health Coaches and the vital work we do. In choosing to live a healthier lifestyle, we crowd out the foods, choices, and habits that would lead us to be unwell. We start to surround ourselves with healthier foods, people, and places. Our social media feeds go from junk food ads to organic soaps and yoga vacations. These changes are important and are what Health Coaches support their clients in achieving, but this support and these practices are still out of reach or not top of mind for so many.

One of the reasons IIN invests in advocacy and works to showcase the positive impact of Health Coaches to members of Congress and Washington, D.C., is to force us to be with different people, from different places, with varying priorities. It’s important work, not because it’s easy or we’re understood 100% of the time, but because personal and greater political change doesn’t happen when you’re not willing to put yourself out there!

Health Coach Day is about doing just that – putting ourselves out there, finding new people to talk to and new people to listen to, and bringing about greater change in people’s lives. We know it’s not easy to create healthier habits, but we didn’t decide to become Health Coaches because it was easy – we did it because we know it’s important to live healthier, happier lives.

This year’s success was seen and shared by millions. Here are a few highlights of IIN Health Coach Day advocacy work:

  • The Health & Wellness Coach Resolution bills were reintroduced in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. The bills highlight the growing recognition and visibility of Health Coaches and the roles they play to improve health and happiness while reducing healthcare costs.

IIN was able to interview Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH), a key ally and member of Congress.  Congressman Ryan has been a champion of bringing mindfulness, personal empowerment, and access to fresh foods to veterans and people underserved in his district, as well as raising awareness of wellness to millions on his recent presidential campaign. Congressman Ryan spoke about how mindfulness, healthy eating, and being well is not just important personally but should be a national priority. As we move into what is sure to be a challenging future, we need a population of healthy, resilient, and mindful citizens to meet these challenges. Please watch and share this interview with Congressman Tim Ryan.

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