UPDATE: Empower You Winners (Part 2 of 3)
Last month, we shared the inspiring stories of several special members of our community who were awarded full tuition coverage to the Health Coach Training Program, through Empower You.
This week, we caught up with a few more winners to see how they’ve been enjoying the program. Take a look at what they’ve been up to:
Katherine Scott (New York)
IIN has given me all kinds of new information about nutrition concepts and I’m encouraged to try new things to see if they work for me. I attended the two-day IIN Live conference in NYC and there I learned from doctors who are currently practicing how food can cure or improve current health - not medicine but food! The concept that type II Diabetes can be reversed through nutrition is absolutely astounding!
I was blown away by the greatness dedicated graduates go on to accomplish. At the conference, I saw a table full of books written by graduates!! How inspiring!
If you are a person who feels passionate about the food you consume, cares deeply about the state of nutrition in your community and are searching for something to dovetail into what you already know to help bring you to the next level, you need to take the time to look at the materials this program offers.
After graduation, I initially thought I would expand the nutritional work I am currently doing with young adults. Now that I have started the work, who knows, maybe I’ll work with nutrition for Cancer patients.
Doreen McCormick (North Carolina)
Through IIN I have found my voice, and I have been inspired and empowered to pursue my vision and fulfill my purpose. I truly believe my purpose and passion have finally aligned and it shows in every area of my life. I know I will do great things and this has given me the courage to take a leap of faith and resign from my full time job as a Physical Therapist so that I can pursue this dream.
I love everything about the program, from the incredible guest speakers to the personal connection on the private Facebook group, to the way the content is delivered electronically in a format that I can take anywhere. It is so empowering and uplifting.
The modules have helped to encourage and empower me to believe in myself and to set me up for success. It has ignited my passion even more and has allowed me to go into learning the content with a bigger, grander end goal in mind.
I feel like a child again. I am creative, happy, energetic, and enthusiastic. I feel invincible. I am more connected, both to myself and others and I am more driven than ever to really make a difference and pursue this calling.
I am excited to piece together the nutrition with coaching and business skills, so that I am equipped to make the biggest difference that I can.
Matt Baca (California)
The most meaningful part about my education has been sharing what I’m learning with others. I started working at a health foods store and when a customer brings something through the check-out line, I can shed new insights about what I learned that week, like, “Hey cool, brown rice! Did you know you that it’s good to soak your grains for 1-8 hours before cooking them?”
IIN has continued to give me new insights about eating a well-balanced diet, of course, but surprisingly also about my relationships with my family, my career, finances, spirituality, and daily physical activity. Before IIN, I never would have considered any of these other aspects as “nutrition,” but in Health Coaching, we have to expect that people are dealing with problems beyond eating healthy and curing disease.
Putting what I’m learning into practice has reshaped my life in ways I never could have imagined. There are so many concepts I never even KNEW about in the first place!
I’m currently creating content for a website/blog that young people, like myself, can relate to when it comes to health and nutrition. Nutrition is a confusing concept nowadays, so I’d like to build a site that makes nutrition and cooking look fun and not so strenuous like most people think.
Daisy De La Cruz (Illinois)
The most meaningful part of my education has been the holistic and non-judgemental approach to the various theories out there. I was truly surprised to learn that coaching isn’t about telling someone what to do - it's really about listening and understanding first, and then creating different opportunities for clients to explore.
IIN has allowed me to think bigger in terms of the type of impact I know I can make in my community!
Knowing what I know now is SO liberating! I am empowered in each session to take what I know and share it with others. There is a whole world out there, un-marketed, and truly profound.
IINspired by the stories you read today and want to study with Integrative Nutrition?
We are dedicated to making Integrative Nutrition affordable and accessible to anyone who wants to become a Health Coach. Not only do we keep the cost of tuition well below that of traditional university programs we also offer flexible financing plans for all students. In addition, we provide opportunities for deserving students to receive full tuition coverage throughout the year. Here’s how…
- We’ve partnered with The Sampson Foundation to honor 12 individuals throughout 2016 who give back to their communities by covering their tuition. For details on how you can apply, please visit this page.
- Keep your eyes open for the next Empower You Tuition Coverage opportunity. And make sure you’re receiving our emails so you are first to know when we launch it next!
If you’re a prospective student, how would an IIN education empower you to live your best life possible? Please share in the comments below!
Published: June 8, 2024
Updated: November 6, 2024