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Published: June 8, 2024

The IINsider’s Digest: Reactions to the Health Care Decision, A Newly Approved Weight Loss Pill, and More…

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The Supreme Court Health Care Decision was announced, the health community reacted on Twitter, and you can find out how this will impact you as an individual. (Huffington Post)

Statistics show that “more than two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight or obese,” and the FDA approved the first new weight loss pill in thirteen years. (MSNBC)

What’s different about the newly approved weight loss pill? Here are five things you need to know about Belviq. (TIME)

Preserving food for shelf life sacrifices not only the nutritional benefits, but also the texture and flavor. These scientists are trying to make preserved food actually taste good. (Popsci)

We know that a regular fitness routine is beneficial to our health, and this study shows that moderate exercise can lower the risk of breast cancer. (Huffington Post)

The Farm Bill is a complex 1010-page bill that affects hundreds of programs, but what does it all mean? This article breaks it down into some understandable categories, including what the bill provides, and what is still debatable. (The Atlantic)

Americans might eat more red meat than people in other countries, but an NPR health poll showed that red meat consumption is down nearly 40% in Americans. There are many differing factors as to why. (NPR)


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