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Published: June 8, 2024

Health Coach Who Lost Her Mom Jeans

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One of the most valuable qualities of a Health Coach is empathy, and Margaret LeDane, class of 2011, is using her past struggles with weight and body image to inspire her clients in Annapolis, Maryland.

As a single mom, she also knows the struggles of balancing family with a successful business, but that hasn’t stopped her from authoring an inspirational book on weight loss and authentic living!

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?

I was searching for a job after my family sold our retail business of 39 years. I have a huge passion for nutrition, and I needed a new career. As a single parent to two teenagers, I was looking for a business that I could run on my own time. My daughter has Type I Diabetes and my son has celiac disease, so my interest in nutrition and wellness is very significant.

How did your life change after enrolling?

My passion for health and wellness grew even stronger. I didn't realize how much I did not know! I learned that my headaches and eczema were mostly from gluten and dairy sensitivities, and how food really is the best medicine. I started to feel empowered knowing that the foods I put in my body can really transform my life. I am now gluten and dairy-free, and I feel amazing.

That’s wonderful! It sounds like you’ve been able to apply much of what you learned at Integrative Nutrition to your life. Tell us one of your personal takeaways from the program.

I loved learning about the vegan lifestyle. I used to think it was just a fad, but now I know that it truly is the healthiest way to live. I am not vegan (yet), but heading that way. Those foods make me feel the best.

As a graduate, what are you doing now?

I am a Health Coach for women who need a significant overhaul in their lives. I also sell Arbonne skin care and nutrition products, and recently wrote and published a book.

You are up to some great things! Tell us more about your approach with female clients.

We start with nutrition knowledge and work into lifestyle – relationships, exercise, and career. I added Arbonne to my practice because I felt like I needed to "finish" their wellness on the outside. Skin is the largest organ in our body and if we use junk products, then that translates into feeling like junk on the inside, too. Arbonne is all natural, organic, vegan, gluten-free, preservative free, chemical free and dye free.

What makes your practice unique?

I named my business Lose The Mom Jeans because for years I felt fat and frumpy as a new mom, and I didn't know how to feel better. In my book, Get Out of Your Mom Jeans for Good! 7 Simple Secrets to Lose Weight and Feel Great, I share how I overcame my significant pregnancy weight gains, and how I started wearing my non-mom jeans. I work with my female clients showing them how to live an authentic life, and how to look (and feel) good while doing it!

You have such an honest, positive outlook! How do you translate that to help your clients have success?

I practice patience and I listen. I had a client who was in a bad relationship and had gained ninety pounds over a year and a half. After four months of working with me she ended her unhealthy relationship and started to lose the weight. She signed up for dance lessons and joined a boxing club – all things she was scared to do before. Her eating changed dramatically and went from fast food to whole foods. She gave up diet sodas and started to exercise. She is a lovely person who needed some nutrition education and a good ear.

That is very inspiring, Margaret! It seems you’ve found your calling in life. What else do you love about your work?

I love seeing the success of my clients as they start to understand that food can heal their bodies. I love spreading my passion for nutrition, and I also love working on my own time!

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