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Published: June 8, 2024

How Health Coach Cindy Santa Ana Helps Clients Unlock Better Health

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At Integrative Nutrition, it’s important to us to support graduates in harvesting their potential as Health Coaches, changing lives, and earning a great living. That’s why we love connecting with our IINspiring community of graduates to find out what life is like after studying at Integrative Nutrition.

This week, we were thrilled to catch up with 2013 graduate, Cindy Santa Ana!  Read her story below…

What were you doing prior to enrolling at Integrative Nutrition?    
Prior to enrolling at IIN, I was a work-from-home mom teaching baby sign language classes. I was in Public Relations for 15 years as well prior to that. I had a degree in Physical Education and Health and actually used to be a Personal Trainer in college.

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?         
I turned 40 and was 50 lbs. overweight and riddled with health issues like high cholesterol, allergies and thyroid disease. I sought the help of a Health Coach and had such a profound health transformation, that I had to share my story with others. I decided to enroll at IIN to pursue a new career and help other women feel as amazing as I now did.

How did your life change after enrolling?
My life completely changed after enrolling at IIN. My health dramatically improved and 50 pounds melted off. Then, I began helping others and seeing their health change too. It was an amazing feeling to inspire others to achieve their health dreams. I wrote my first book, Unprocessed Living, last year and I'm working on my second and third now. I'm now a sought-after speaker and love sharing my passion with others!

Which topics and modules were most beneficial for you?
I was thrilled to learn from all of the IIN instructors, but loved hearing from David Wolfe, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Andrew Weil and many of the other Health Coaches sharing their success stories. 

What are you doing now?
I'm a full-time practicing Health Coach in Northern VA, but I have clients all over the US. I often do book signings and speaking engagements at conferences, as well as local events.  My main focus is weight loss and hormone balance.

What makes you and your practice or product unique?
My book is a complete how-to for someone just starting out and wanting to learn how to improve their diet. If you’re eating processed foods, it can help you to transition away from those items.

What makes me unique is that I share my story and my struggle with food and how I overcame it all. I think women can appreciate and understand that struggle. I tell them that if this pop-tart eating queen can do it, you can too! 

How do you help your clients be successful?
I have helped children overcome health obstacles that stumped doctors, helped a client resolve her Rheumatoid Arthritis, and helped numerous women lose weight and feel confident again.

I provide a framework for clients to work from. Some of my most successful clients are those that are engaged in the process and keep in touch between sessions. I often check-in with them and share articles I found to help them and make them feel special - because they are to me.

What do you love about your work?      
I love seeing a women come through my door smiling when she's lost 10 pounds or when her husband is so thrilled with her results, he wants help too! Inspiring others is so rewarding.

I get all the warm-and-fuzzies when a previous client shares a story of how others notice how amazing they look and feel or when they share before and after pictures with the world. Their empowerment makes it all worthwhile.

Is there a need for Health Coaches where you live? 
Absolutely! There's a need for Health Coaches on every corner. We all have our own story and specialty and that's what makes us unique!

Connect with Cindy:
On her website Unlock Better Health
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