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Published: June 8, 2024

Career Change and Personal Transformation

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While training to guide others to health and happiness is at the core of the Integrative Nutrition curriculum, many students undergo a personal transformation in the process.

Nancy Lamb, 2012 graduate from Snoqualmie, Washington, is a prime example of a busy professional who has built a brand new, holistic life.

What led you to explore the Health Coach Training Program?

My prior field, technical communications, was on the decline, and my job contract had ended. I’ve been passionate about health and nutrition for decades, and while doing some online research, I came across Integrative Nutrition. It was the only program I found that truly inspired me.

How did your life change after enrolling?

I grew so much during the yearlong program. I've made some changes in my diet – eating fresh healthy foods the majority of the time, and raw foods whenever possible. Through dietary changes, I ended the chronic pain that plagued me for years, and I even lost some weight. But my biggest change wasn’t physical. It’s that I am happy, focused, and - for the first time in 20 years - continually joyful and excited about life!

That is so inspiring, Nancy! Which topics in the curriculum were most beneficial for this transformation?

I loved learning about Functional Medicine, Energy of Foods, Ayurveda with John Douillard, and superfoods with David Wolfe. So many of the speakers opened doors to topics that intrigued me, and sparked a deep interest in furthering my knowledge of health and nutrition.

What are you doing now?

As a recent graduate, I am building a Health Coaching Practice focusing on clients who are ready to make a change in their life and end their challenges with chronic pain, digestive issues, emotional eating, and post-traumatic stress disorder.   

It sounds like you’ve found your niche! What makes your practice unique?

I listen and recognize that each of my clients has individual needs. I make suggestions for changes that will work for them specifically. I work with people who are successful in their careers, but have ignored their health, and I help them find their way to a healthy lifestyle.

How do you help your clients be successful?

I lead people to see the beauty that is their gift, help them embrace it, share it, and live it fully. What I share with my clients is the balance of living an authentic life.

I couldn’t do that without acknowledging that I am my favorite client and biggest success. After the year at Integrative Nutrition, I am excited and motivated for the first time in two decades. I've found courage, resilience, focus, and I am full of ideas.

I love your positive spirit! You are a valuable part of the ripple effect. What do you love most about your work?

I love working with motivated people who need extra help to make things happen. I love that I am constantly filled with ideas and have the time and flexibility to nurture my dreams. I love that I can focus on my passions and share them with others in ways that help me, help them, and help the world.

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