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5 Ways to ...
Published: June 8, 2024

5 Ways to Actually Enjoy Studying in Summer

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Summer is usually associated with spending time in nature, relaxing by the pool, and traveling to fun new destinations… not studying. But sometimes, it’s worth it!

If you’re on a path towards something meaningful - learning about a subject you’re actually interested in - then studying in summer is just par for the course in fulfilling your dreams. And it doesn’t have to feel like a drag either. With a little creativity and planning you can study your heart out AND have a great summer too.

Note: be thoughtful about choosing the right program before you start, and take life into account. A course that allows you to study on your time, integrates a variety of media to make learning engaging, and builds in methods for interaction will help make the experience enjoyable and ensure your success.

Here are 5 ways to be joyfully studious in the summer:

  1. Create a schedule
    Go through your materials to find the estimated weekly study time, and create a schedule that works for you. If you stick with your schedule then you’ll always know which non-study days are free, so you can plan your adventures around that.
  2. Be flexible with your schedule
    Surprises tend to come along when we least expect them, so keep yourself “responsibly open” to the possibilities. That means if your friends unexpectedly invite you for a week-long road trip, figure out a way to make it work without falling behind on your studies. Maybe you can do some work in advance before you go, listen to lectures on the road, or plan for some solid time to catch up when you’re done. The point is not to say no and then be bummed about it, make yourself adaptable.
  3. Get social with learning
    Getting yourself cooped up alone with your books is a surefire way to get bored and feel full of resentment. Find a way to interact with others while studying. Maybe you can connect with fellow students in your local area, schedule group Skype calls with those who aren’t close, or find a co-working space to at least study alone yet in a community group setting. Surrounding yourself with positive people who are also working or studying in summer will help make the experience much easier.
  4. Take your studies on the go
    This may not work for everyone, but who says you can’t learn on the beach? Bring your books, workbooks, or laptop wherever you go. As long as you’re dedicated to staying focused and getting the important information down, you can study anywhere.
  5. Reward yourself
    Whether it’s with a healthy dose of dark chocolate, cocktails with your girlfriends, or your favorite self-care ritual, find ways to reward yourself in accomplishments great and small. You deserve it!  

This is a great time to begin your wellness journey. Enroll at Integrative Nutrition today and you’ll be a Health Coach before next summer! Classes begin on July 17th!

Do you plan to study this summer? Share with us below your tips to stay focused!

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