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Published: June 8, 2024

Back to School: Is It Worth the Price Tag?

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It’s no secret that higher education in the United States comes with an enormous price tag. 

The average cost of tuition for one year of college was almost $10,000 for public schools and over $30,000 for private schools last year. That adds up to an astronomical amount when you’re looking at a standard four-year degree. 

It should come as no surprise, then, that more and more people are stopping to ask – is a college degree worth it?    

Total student loan debt is at a record high, and almost 15% of those loans are defaulted on. In a competitive job landscape, 44% of graduates work in low-wage jobs that don’t require a college degree at all. 

That’s not to say that a college degree has no value. Recent college grads still earn 63% more than their peers who hold only a high school diploma, and they perform better on nearly every measure of economic and personal wellbeing. There are also all the immaterial benefits of learning, growing, and receiving a well-rounded higher education. 

Yet the “real world” can still come as quite a shock to a recent college grad who has aspirations of earning a living doing something they love… yet ends up waiting tables just to pay off their loans. 

The good news is that there’s a solution. At Integrative Nutrition, we believe that it’s possible to earn a good living and follow your passion… and we show you exactly how to do it. 

We help you develop your talents and strengths.

Everyone who comes to Integrative Nutrition is passionate about health and wellness, but each student has their own unique strengths and interests. Do you thrive in front of an audience and love giving presentations? We’ll help you develop that. Do you love writing instead? We’ll help you hone that craft, too. Whatever your strength, we help you figure out your dreams and develop a plan to make them happen! 

We show you step-by-step how to turn your passion into a career.

While college is great at teaching higher-level theory, we’ve found it’s less helpful at providing people with real-life experience and training. That’s why our curriculum focuses on step-by-step, on-the-ground business training. We show you exactly how to write an “elevator pitch” and practice it until you’re a pro. Have no clue how to open an LLC? We teach that, too. From time management strategies to tax forms, you’ll get all the business training you need to launch a thriving business as a Health Coach. 

We give you all the materials you need.

Launching a new business can require a lot of stuff – a website, business cards, brochures, and more. We’ve taken all the guesswork out of it for you and provide you with all the materials you need to market your health coaching practice and lead clients through a six-month program. We also teach you coaching techniques to help people achieve their health goals and give you the opportunity to practice and get real-life training. 

We answer a need in the current career landscape.

There has never been a better time to become a Health Coach. We are in the midst of an unprecedented health crisis, and the current medical system is doing nothing to stop skyrocketing rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. People are waking up to the need for real preventive care, and Health Coaches are being recruited to work in doctor’s offices, wellness centers, spas, and more. 

Over the years, we’ve met people across the spectrum – English majors who are full of passion but can’t find a job… and investment bankers who are rolling in money, but are miserable every day. 

From all walks of life, students come to Integrative Nutrition and at last find a way to channel their passion, energy, and drive into an actual paying career that feeds their soul. 

Did you go to college? Did you find your degree useful? We’d love to hear about your experience – let us know in the comments below!

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